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Q: If A squared plus B squared equals C squared and C equals 8 and A and B are the same length what are A and B?
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A squared plus 2a squared equals c squared?

A squared plus B squared equals C squared. It is the Pythagorean theorem.To do this you would find the two short sides of a right triangle. Then for one short side find the length and multiply it by itself and for the other short side do the same thing. After that add those two up and and find the square root of it. That number you have there is C aka hypotenuse aka the long side. :)

When a squared plus b squared equals c squared what is the square root of the square root of the square root of a squared squared squared plus b squared squared squared?

Since a squared plus b squared equals c squared, that is the same as c equals the square root of a squared plus b squared. This can be taken into squaring and square roots to infinity and still equal c, as long as there is the same number of squaring and square roots in the problem. Since this question asks for a and b squared three times, and also three square roots of a and b both, they equal c. Basically, they cancel each other out.

If the diagonal of a square is twenty inches how do you find the length of the sides?

You use the Pythagorean theorem. Remember that Asq + Bsq = Csquared, where A and B are the sides of a right triangle and C is the diagonal. (Remember that a right triangle is just a square cut in half slantwise.) Based on the theorem, you know that the sum of A squared and B squared equals 20 squared (20 squared = 20 x 20 or 400.) Also, since it's a square you concerned with, you know that the sides are the same length. So whatever length "A" side is, "B" side is the same. So we might as well say two times A is the same as A plus B. So two times A squared equals 400. We only want to know what ONE side of the square measures, so we can reduce both sides of the equation by dividing each side by 2. In other words, if TWO times A squared equals 400, then ONE times A squared equals 200. But we don't want to know what the length of A squared is, we want to know what the length of A is. So take the square root. A equals the square root of 200. The square root of 200 is fourteen plus a fraction. So your square is fourteen plus a fraction on each side. Check your work: 14 squared plus 14 squared = 196 + 196 = 392, which is is very close to the C squared we started with of 400. The square root of 400 is 20, and you are back to the beginning.

Is length squared the same as length times height?

No! Length squared will be the length times the length again. Length times height is going to find the area so it will not be the same.

Is a squared plus b squared the same as a plus b squared?

No. If you expand (a + b)2 you get a2 + 2ab + b2. This is not equal to a2 + b2

What is the formula for 3 squared plus 4 squared?

9 plus 16=25 3 squared is the same as 3 times three and 4 squared is the same as 4 times 4 3 times 3 + 4 times 4 9 plus 16 = 25

Why is one of the sides of the area of a square that is 49 inches squared 7?

The area is equal to length x width. Both length and with of a square are the same. The only number multiplied by itself that equals an area of 49 is 7.

Is 9 and 11 squared?

92 is the same as 9 * 9 which equals 81. 112 is the same as 11 * 11 which equals 121.

What is the area of a square that measures 6cm on one side?

If it is a square then all sides are the same length, so the area would be length x width. In this case that would be 6 x 6, which equals 36 cm squared.

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123 squared means the same as 123 x 123. Squaring a number is the same as multiplying the number with itself.

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x squared -2x-3 equals 0 is the same as (x + 1)(x - 3) = 0

Find the length of a triangle?

a triangle has 3 sides. the longest side is always C. the other 2 are A and B (which one is which doesn't matter). u can find side C using A squared plus B squared equals C squared. It's basically AxA + BxB =CxC. to find side A, use C squared minus B squared. CxC - BxB = AxA . To find B, use the same equation to find A except switch B with A. CxC - AxA = BxB.-Mathnerd157