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No. An isosceles right triangle has the measures of 90, 45, and 45. Isosceles means that two sides are congruent. Hope this helps :)

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Q: If An isosceles right triangle is a triangle with an angle measuring ninety degrees and no two sides congruent?
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A triangle with two congruent sides and an angle of 104 degrees is?

A triangle with two congruent sides is isosceles. A triangle with an angle of 104 degrees is obtuse. So you would have an obtuse isosceles triangle.

What is a triangle having an angle measuring 110 degree and two congruent sides?

It is an isosceles triangle and its other two angles each measures 35 degrees

What triangle has at least two congruent sides?

Isosceles Triangle Isosceles TriangleIsosceles triangles have at least 2 congruent sides, and equilateral triangles have all 3 sides equal. A scalene triangle has no congruent sides or angles. All triangles have 180 degrees total.An equilateral triangle has three congruent sides and an isosceles triangle has two congruent sides.

What is the measure of the base angle of an isosceles triangle if the vertex measures 38 degrees?

(180 - 38)/2 = 71 degrees (base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent).

Is a right triangle can be isosceles?

Yes. Only if the other two angles of the right triangle are congruent and each equal 45 degrees. Then using the isosceles triangle theorem, you know that the two sides opposite the angles are congruent.

What triangle is formed with three sides of different lengths?

A scalene triangle. In a scalene triangle, there are no congruent sides or angles. In an isosceles triangle, at least two congruent sides and angles. In an equilateral triangle, all three sides and angles are congruent, with angles that always measure sixty degrees. Note: an equilateral triangle also classifies as an isosceles triangle, as it meets the definition of an isosceles triangle mentioned above.

Does an isosceles triangle always have three congruent angles?

Isosceles triangles usually have two congruent sides, but the rule is that they actually have at least two. That means that they can also have a third congruent side. That means they are both equilateral and isosceles*, which I personally think is way too confusing, but that's how it works.Example: A triangle has angles of 60 degrees, 60 degrees, and 60 degrees. It is both isosceles and equilateral.*I think that equilateral triangles are actually a type of isosceles triangle, so that if you're asked on a math test, for example, whether a triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral, you'd say equilateral.No, Isosceles is two equal sides, although an equilateral triangle CAN be an isosceles triangle. And Angles of an isosceles triangle are not known (given) - simply two equal sides.Three, like every other triangle.

Kinds of triangle according to number of congruent sides?

All triangles have 3 sides and 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees. Equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides. Isosceles triangles have 2 congruent sides. A right angle triangle can have 2 congruent sides if its interior angles are 90, 45, 45 degrees. A scalene or an obtuse triangle has no congruent sides.

What is in a right triangle the side that include the right angle in an isosceles triangle the pair of congruent side?

The angles will be 90, 45 and 45 degrees

Can a right angled triangle sometimes be a equilateral triangle?

No, since an equilateral triangle has three congruent angles of 60 degrees, and a right triangle must have an angle of 90 degrees. However, a right triangle may be an isosceles triangle.

What is the measure of the base angle of an isosceles triangle if the measure of the vertex angle is 42 degrees and the two congruent sides each measure 21 units?

If it is an isosceles triangle then the base angles must be equal angles of 69 degrees because there are 180 degrees in a triangle and 42+69+69 = 180 degrees

When can one of the two congruent sides of an isosceles triangle be used as the height of the triangle?

When it has a 90 degree angle and 2 equal angles of 45 degrees