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Because he doesn't interfere

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Q: If God exists why does he let so much pain happen in the world?
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What will happen if you took 14 500 milligram painkillers?

You would feel no pain, and that condition might well last for eternity.

Why do we have sin because of Adam and Eve's mistake of disobedience?

Well basically because god created man and women to give us a chance pretty much, they lived in perfect bliss and had no struggle and no pain because god loves us. But they had one rule and when they broke it the let all the evil of the devil into the world so basically they caused us to be bad and to get in trouble, Adam and Eve are the reason any bad things happen. It's kind of like the pandora's box thing they opened up the box in a metaphorical since to the world!

Do operations hurt?

No, never. They use medicine to stop all pain, otherwise you'd move too much to operate.

When is suicide reasonable?

I don't think it is ever reasonable. It is one of the biggest mistakes anyone could make. Think of all of the stuff you will be missing out on. You won't watch your favorite tv show again or eat your favorite food. People who care for you will be in pain if they found out you killed yourself. To all reading this, if you want to kill yourself, i care. I am a stranger but I still. care because you are human. You might even save someone's life one day. What would happen to that someone if you weren't here? I was born with a cord around my neck. If the doctors did not do anything about it, it would put my family in pain and I would not be typing this to help those in need. You are human. Think of how I would feel if you killed yourself. I would be sad because I hate it when people are in so much pain to the point where they think the only option left is suicide. It is heartbreaking and should not happen to anyone. But if we continue to live, then the pain will go away. It might take a while or even years but trutst me, the wait is worth it no matter how long it is.

What is the strongest pain killer for extreme chronic pain?

The pretty much only one you could get your hands on is Ohmefentanyl, which is about 6,3 thousand times more potent than morphine. You obviously can't get it in any pharmacy, nor is it available on the streets. You'd have to synthesise it yourself.

Related questions

How is coccyx pain treated?

Treatment exists to either control the pain or eliminate the cause. Pain control may be dangerous if an underlying condition exists of which the pain is a warning sign. Nerve blocks and a variety of drugs are other options to control pain.

Why does pain exist?

Pain exists so that a person will know there is something wrong. If a person had no pain, they could die.

What will happen when you put salt in Coca-Cola?

The whole world erupts into a fury of mass pain.

Is there a lux-pain TV show?

No there is no Lux-Pain TV show, only the DS game exists.

What will happen to the akatsuki after pain is killed?

Akatsuki was created by Madara Uchiha. So, pain's killing doesn't affect it much since madara is still alive.

When did Lux-Pain happen?

Lux-Pain happened in 2008.

When was World of Pain created?

World of Pain was created in 1967.

What causes thumb pain?

splinter, broken, dislocated(it can happen, i have made it happen), infected

Does pelvic pain happen instantly with chlamydia?

Pelvic pain doesn't happen instantly upon becoming infected with chlamydia. It is a longer term symptom of the infection.

What will happen if you get three ant bites?

You feel pain

What will happen to jiraiya after death?

pain revives jiraiya

What will happen if synovial fluid loss?

acure pain