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The total distance traveled by the sound wave is 2 m. At a rate of 330 m/s, it will take 0.00606 seconds for the bat to hear the echo.

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Q: If Sound travels through air at 330 meters per second how long will it take a bat's cry to reach its prey and echo back if the prey is 1 meter away?
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When does sound travel on the speed with light?

Sound travels, in air, at about 320 meters per second. Light travels about 300 000 000 meters per second

Does sound travel aster in steel or glass?

The speed of sound through glass is 3962 metres per second, which is about 13000 feet per second. In normal air, sound travels at a speed of 343 meters per second and in water the speed is 1,433 metres per second. Sound travels at a speed of 5,000m per second or 11,160miles per hour through steel. The speed of sound is dependant upon the medium through which it is travelling and not on the loudness or pitch. For instance, sound travels much better through water than through air.

Sound travels at a speed of 7189 feet per second how many meters per second does sound travel in this medium?

2191.21 meters per second.

How fast does sound travel through brick?

Sound travels through brick at the speed of 3650 meters per second. Sound is a mechanical wave that can travel through many different types of media, such as water, cork, gold, and glass.

How fast is the speed of sound through air water and steel?

Mechanical wave Sound travels at the speeds you have mentioned. As far as the last statement is concerned, sound travels through air at the speed of 330m/s at 0oC. At normal temperatures, the speed is approximately 333m/s. From the three statements which you have mentioned (all are true to my knowledge), you can decipher that sound travels fastest through solid media, and then through liquid. It travels at a lower speed through gases and cannot travel through vacuum since sound waves are mechanical waves and require medium for transportation.

Is it true that sound travels at the same speed as light?

The speed of sound through air is about 340 meters per second. (The speed of sound in water is about 4 times faster than this). The speed of light in air is about 300 million meters per second.

How quick does sound travel through air?

Sound in air travels at about 770 mph or 330 meters per second.It depends upon the altitude, temperature and humidity, but at sea level sound travels approximately 700 miles per hour.The speed of sound does not depend on pressure.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound.?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.

How much time would it take the sound of thunder to travel 1500 meters if sound travels at a speed of 330 meters per second?

1500 meters/330 meters per second = 4.55 seconds