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Q: If a polygon is dilated by a scale factor of 3 then the original polygon and its image are congruent?
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if an isosceles triangle ABC is dilated by a scale factor of 3, which of the following statements is not true?

the sides of ABC are congruent to the sides of A'B'C'

What does dilated mean in math?

it means a transformation in which a polygon is enlarged or reduced by a given factor around a given center its an enlargmant or a reduction

How can you find the scale factor from one polygon to the other?

Measure the lengths of corresponding sides. Then divide the length from the altered polygon by that from the original.

Which sequence of transformation produces an image that is not congruent to the original figure?

A translation of 4 units to the right followed by a dilation of a factor of 2

Is a figure with a scale factor of 1 congruent or similar?


What is the scale factor of congruent figures?

In gemortry, CPCTC is the abbreviation of a therom involving congrugent triangles. CPCTC stands for Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent. CPCTC states that if two or more triangles are proven congruent by: ASA, AAS, SSS, HL, or SAS, then all of their corresponding parts are congruent as well.Ifthen the following conditions are true:A related theorem is CPCFC, in which triangles is replaced with figures so that the theorem applies to any polygon or polyhedrogen.

How is a scale different from a scale factor?

A scale is the ratio of the contracted or dilated form with respect to the original form (the ratio of the sizes before and after the scaling operation). The scale factor is the magnitude of the scaling contraction or dilation (the shrinking or expanding) used in the scaling operation.

The figure is reflected across the y-axis and dilated by a scale factor of 4?

It can be.

if ABCD is dilated by a factor of 1/2, the coordinate of B’ would be?


What are the coordinates of the vertices of triangle a'b'c' after triangle ABC is dilated using a scaling factor of 3?

Find the coordinates of the vertices of triangle a'b'c' after triangle ABC is dilated using the given scale factor then graph triangle ABC and its dilation A (1,1) B(1,3) C(3,1) scale factor 3

Triangle ABC below will be dilated with the origin as the center of dilation and scale factor of 1/2?


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