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A quarter remains.

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Q: If a substance has. A half-life of 5 million years what fraction of the atoms remain after ten million years?
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What fraction of uranium 235 is left after 1400 million years?

25 % uranium remain, 75 % is disintegrated.

Do properties remain the same regardless of the amount of the substance?

Intensive properties remain the same with a change in the amount of a substance - for example: temperature and density Extensive properties do not remain the same with a change in the amount of a substance - for example: mass and volume


Substance is any matter that exists around us. The properties of a substance remain same throughout.

Uranium-235 has a half life of?

The half-life is 700 million years !

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The melting point and the boiling point of a substance are physical characteristics for each substance and are unchanged at the same pressure.

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Approx 1/8 will remain.

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It is not a sentence. There is no main verb.

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it will remain the same

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What does not change when a physical change in a sample occurs?

Substance in the material Remain the same

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A dried substance remain.

How much of one gram of radium-226 will remain unchanged after four half-lives?

After each half-life, half of the radium-226 will decay. Therefore, after four half-lives, 1/2^4 or 1/16th of the original gram of radium-226 will remain unchanged. This means that 1/16th of a gram, or 0.0625 grams, will still be unchanged after four half-lives.