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Q: If angle A plus angle D equal 90 then A and D are what type of angles?
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What type of angle are formed when an obtuse angle is bisected?

two equal acute angles are formed.

When all sides are congruent they are what type of angle?

All angles will be equal and the type of angle will depend on how many sides the shape has

What type of angles are in an Isosceles triangle?

There are two equal acute angles. The third angle can be acute, right or obtuse.

What type of triangle have 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles?

An equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles. Each angle is 60 degrees.

What type of angle does a rhombus have?

A rhombus has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles and the 4 angles add up to 360 degrees.

What type of angles are formed if a 40' angle is bisected?

Bisected means that it cuts the angle into two equal parts. Therefore, if a 40degree angle is bisected, two 20degree angles will be formed.

What type of triangle has 3 equal sides but no right angle?

Equilateral. The angles will all equal 60 degrees.

What 2 type of quadrilateral with no right angle and opposite angles equal?

parallelogram in general, and a rhombus also, which is a type of parallelogram

What type of angles do isosceles triangles have?

Isosceles triangles have two equal sides. The angles opposite the equal sides are also equal. For instance, if the top angle is 48o and the two bottom angles are 66o an acute isosceles triangle is formed.

Can a rhombus be equiangular?

A Rhombus is a type of parallelogram. As such, the opposite angles are equal. That tells us that it has two pair of equal angles. ( The two pair of equal angles are each angle and its opposite---that being the one across from it)

What is a type of triangle that has one obtuse angle?

If the other 2 angles are equal then it is an isosceles triangle if not then it is a scalene triangle

If a right angle is bisected what type of angles are formed-?

In geometry a bisection refers to a division into two equal parts, for instance a bisection of an angle will involve constructing a line.