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It will be a right angle triangle with 3 inside angles that add up to 180 degrees.

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Q: If i dvide two squares in 2 parts what will the measure be in one triangle?
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What are the parts of isosceles triangle?

A polygon that has 3 sides 2 of which are of equal length and 3 interior angles 2 of which are of equal measure.

What are the 3 parts of triangle?

equilateral triangle , isosceles triangle , scalene triangle

What are the 3 parts of a triangle?

The tree main parts of a triangle are the sides, the angles and the vertices.

What is the equation to find the base of a triangle?

That's going to depend on how much you know about the other parts of the triangle. For example, if you know the area and the height, then Base = (double the area) divided by (height). If you don't know anything about the other parts to calculate the base with, then you just have to measure it.

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The three secondary parts of a triangle are typically associated with one word. They are commonly called the perpendicular bisectors of the triangle.

How do you find the hypotenuse of a right triangle with one leg measure?

You can't. With one leg measure, all you know about the triangle is one side (the leg) and one angle (the right angle). That's not enough to pin down any of the other parts of that triangle. There are an infinite number of different right triangles that all have one leg with that same length, and hypotenuses with all different lengths.

Does isometery preserve angle measure?

Yes. if triangle ABC maps to triangle A'B'C'. then AB = A'B', BC = B'C' and AC = A'C'. By SSS, triangle ABC is congruent to triangle A'B'C'. Since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent angle A = angle A'. The correct spelling of the term for a length preserving transformation is "isometry" not "isometery".

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a perpendicular line.

How do you trisect a square into 3 using a triangle?

The Triangle must have a base the dimension of the side of the square, the hypotenuse must also be the same length as the side of the square. Then lay the triangle onto the square so the base is exactly over one side of the square and the opposing point is touching the squares opposite side. The triangle covers 1 of the segments of the square and the uncovered parts make up the other 2. Am I even close?

What is Parts of a right triangle?

Hypotenuse the longest side of the triangle, then the Legs: Adjacent and Opposite

A(n) of a triangle splits an angle of the triangle into two congruent parts?

angle bisector