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Q: If the average of 6 numbers is sixty what is their sum?
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If the average of six numbers is 12 subtract 6 from one of theses numbers the 6 numbers would then have an average of what?

The sum of the six numbers/6 = 12 The sum of the six numbers = 72 (72-6)/6=11

If the average of 5 numbers is 86 what is the sixth number if the average drops to 84?

If the average of 5 numbers is 86, then their sum is 430.If the average of 6 numbers is 84, then their sum is 504.The sum grew by (504 - 430) = 74, so that was the 6th number.

What is the average of 3 3.5 and 6?

The average of several numbers is the sum of the numbers divided by the quantity of the numbers. (3 + 3.5 + 6) ÷ 3 = 4 1/6

The average of six numbers is 4 If the average of two of those numbers is 2 what is the?

the sum of all numbers is 6*4=24 sum of two = 2*2=4 average of other four=24-4/4=5

What is the sum of the average and four is negative 6?

It is a mathematical statement. It means that the average of a set of numbers is negative 10 and the sum of this average and four is, therefore, negative six!

The sum of 5 numbers is 28 and the sum of their squares is 226 what is the average?

If the sum of 5 = 28 then the average is 28 / 5 = 5.6 If the sum of the squares = 226 then the average is 226 / 5 = 45.2 From this information, and by a process of elimination, the numbers might be 1, 2, 6, 8 and 11.

What is the average of the following numbers 12 4 6 2?

sum=24 24/4= 6

What does advarage mean in math?

An average is where you take a group of numbers and add them together, then divide the sum by the amount of numbers you had to begin with. For example, you have the group of numbers 1 2 3. 1+2+3=6 You began with three numbers, so divide this sum by three. 6/3=2 The average is 2

Draw a flow chart that will compute and print the sum and average of 3 numbers?

1.Start 2. Input a,b,c 3. Sum = a+b+c 4. Average = sum/3 5. Output - Sum,Average 6. Stop

In math what is aVERAGE?

The average of a sequence of numbers is equal to Average(x1, ... , xi) = Sum(n, i = 1)[xi]/n Example: Find the average of 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, and 29. Average = Sum[5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 29]/6 Average = (5+6+8+12+15+29)/6 Average = 11

How do you find the average of numbers?

To find the average, or the arithmetic mean, you add up all the numbers and divide the sum by the number of numbers. So, for example, the average of 6, 7, 9, 12 is (6+7+9+12)/4 =34/4 = 8.5

What are the numbers called to get to the sum?

Assuming it is an addition sum - in any addition sum such as 5 + 6 = 11, the numbers 5 and 6 are called addends.