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No. If you have an odd number (for example 5) and an even number (say 2) and you multiply them together, you will get an even number (10). Therefore, just because the product of two numbers are even does not make both the numbers being multiplied together even (although at least one must be).

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Q: If the product of two numbers are even then the two numbers must both be even?
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If the product of two numbers is even then the two numbers must be even?

At least one of the two numbers has to be even, but both can be even.

If the product of two numbers is even then the two numbers must be even right?

Not necessarily, but at least ''one'' of them must be even, unless the two numbers are both the (irrational) square root of the same even number.

Why is the product of two even numbers even?

An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, or of both, then it's a factor of their product,and the product must therefore be an even number.

What two even numbers total a odd product?

None. The sum or product of any two even numbers must be even.

If the product of two numbers is even does that mean the two numbers must be even?

No. It only means they weren't both odd (or another way, that at least one of them was even). An example would be 8 x 9 = 72; the product is even, yet one of the numbers was odd.

If the product of two numbers is even then the two numbers must be even.?

no eg: 9x4=36

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If the product of 2 even numbers is even then the 2 numbers must be even?

This is not always true. If the sum of two numbers is even, then those two numbers are either both even or both odd. For example: 2 + 2 = 4 (even + even = even) 5 + 7 = 12 (odd + odd = even) 3 + 2 = 5 (odd + even = odd)

Is the product of an even number of negative numbers positive?

Yes because the product of each pair of negative numbers must be positive.

Is it possible for two even numbers to have one as their gcf?

No. If both numbers are even, their GCF must be even itself.

If two positive numbers sum to N what must the numbers be so that their product is maximum?

Both must be the positive square root of N.