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You mean radius. The radius is half the height of a circle. The diameter is the full height. So, you would add 14 to itself.

Therefore, the diameter of the circle is 28 inches.

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Q: If the radio of a circle is 14 inches how much is its diameter?
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The answer depends on the square!

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Diameter = 1.5/pi = 0.4774648293 of an inch

What is the circumference of a 21-inch circle how can solve?

By a 21-inch circle I presume you mean that the diameter is 21 inches. So the radius is half as long, 10.5 inches. The formula for the circumference of a circle is 2 pi r, where r is the radius. Pi is about 3.14. That is accurate to 2 decimals, or 3 significant digits all together. I use that approximation because the dimension we are given has 2 significant digits. So the circumference is pi times the diameter; we multiply 3.14 by 21 inches and get 65.94. To 2 significant digits, that is 66 inches. If you meant that the radius was 21 inches, then the circumference would be twice as much, or 132 inches.

How much is 12 inches in diameter converted into cubic inches?

Assuming you are talking about a cylinder, all you need to do is calculate the area of the circle and multiply it by the height of the cylinder. The area of a circle is pi*r^2. So with a height h, the volume would be h(pi*12^2) = h * 144pi.