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-1.92 m/s2

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Q: If the speed of an object changes from 121 ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12 s what is the acceleration of the object?
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Is the velocity of an object changes from 65 ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12 s what is the acceleration of the object?

2.75 m/s

If the speed of an object changes from 121 ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12s what is the acceleration of the object?

Average acceleration during the time interval = (change on speed) / (time for the change) =(98 - 121) / (12) = -23/12 = negative (1 and 11/12) meters per second2

If the speed of an object changes from 121 m/s to 98 m/s during a time interval of 12 s, what is the acceleration of the object?

B -1.92 m/s2

What are three components needed to find an object acceleration?

Using the definition of acceleration as change of speed / time, you basically need to know: * A time interval during which the object accelerates. * The velocity at the beginning of this time interval. * The velocity at the end of this time interval.

What is an increase of speed during a given interval of time?

Acceleration is an increase in speed during a given interval of time. It measures how quickly an object's velocity is changing. Acceleration can be positive (speeding up), negative (slowing down), or zero (constant speed).

What changes as an object moves with a constant acceleration?

During constant acceleration, either the object's speed changes at a constant rate, or the direction of its motion changes at a constant rate, or both.

What do you mean by average acceleration?

Average acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over a certain period of time. It is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time interval over which the change occurs. This value gives an overall measure of how much the velocity of an object has changed on average during that time period.

If the speed of an object changes from 121ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12s what is the acceleration of the object?

Acceleration is equal to the change in velocity over the change in time [a=(vf-vi)/(tf-ti). a=(98m/s - 121 m/s)/(12s)=(-23m/s)/(12s)=-1.92m/s^2

What is the rate at which an object velocity changes?


How do you use acceleration in a scientific sentence?

Acceleration is a measure of how quickly the velocity of an object changes over time. It is typically calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time interval over which the change occurs.

If the speed of an object changes from 121ms to 98ms during a time interval of 12 s what is the acceleration of the object?

We have this equation: Velocity after = Initial velocity + (acceleration * time) So, let's plug in the numbers into this equation. 98m/s = 121m/s + (acceleration * 12seconds) So, -23 = 12 seconds * acceleration dividing 12 from both sides, the acc. is -1.92m/s/s. (Yes, those are the UNITs of acceleration. And it's negative because the object slows down. )