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angular momentum

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Q: If the torque of the rotational motion be zero then the constant quantity will be?
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Is angular acceleration proportional or inversely proportional to torque?

Proportional.For linear movement, Newton's Second Law states that force = mass x acceleration.The equivalent for rotational movement is: torque = (moment of inertia) x (angular acceleration).Proportional.For linear movement, Newton's Second Law states that force = mass x acceleration.The equivalent for rotational movement is: torque = (moment of inertia) x (angular acceleration).Proportional.For linear movement, Newton's Second Law states that force = mass x acceleration.The equivalent for rotational movement is: torque = (moment of inertia) x (angular acceleration).Proportional.For linear movement, Newton's Second Law states that force = mass x acceleration.The equivalent for rotational movement is: torque = (moment of inertia) x (angular acceleration).

What physical quantity use both magnitude and direction?

Any vector quantity does. Examples of vector quantities include but are not limited to . . . - Displacement - Velocity - Acceleration - Torque - Force - Electric field - Momentum - Poynting vector

How many horsepower is 6.25 gross torque?

Torque and horsepower are two separate ratings.

What is rotating concentric cylinder viscometer?

this unit basically consist of two concentric cylinders and a small intervening annular space contains the test fluids whose viscosity is to be determined.The outer cylinder is rotated at a constant angular speed. the viscous drag due to the liquid between the cylinders produce a torque on the inner cylinder, which would rotate if it was not restrained by an equal and opposite torque developed by torsion wire. as the spring torque is proportional to the angle through which it turns, therefor the angular moment of the pointer on a fixed disk is used as a measure of viscosity.

What VTech means?

vtech is having 2 cams one for low end torque then switches to the other for high end torque vtech is having 2 cams one for low end torque then switches to the other for high end torque

Related questions

Rotational tendency of force?

The rotational tendency of a force is referred to as torque. Torque is the measure of the force's effectiveness at rotating an object and is calculated as the product of the force applied and the lever arm distance from the axis of rotation. It is a vector quantity that determines the rotational motion of an object.

What role does torque play in the rotational motion of machines?

Torque is the rotational equivalent of force, responsible for causing an object to rotate around an axis. In machines, torque is pivotal for providing the necessary power to drive the rotational motion of components like shafts, gears, and pulleys. The magnitude of torque determines the acceleration or deceleration of rotational motion in machines.

The product of an object's rotational inertia and its rotational velocity is?

The product of an object's rotational inertia and its rotational velocity is called angular momentum. It is a conserved quantity in a closed system, meaning it remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque.

What is torque when angular momentum is constant?

When angular momentum is constant, torque is zero. This means that there is no net external force causing the object to rotate or change its rotational motion. The law of conservation of angular momentum states that if no external torque is acting on a system, the total angular momentum of the system remains constant.

What is the rotational analog of force in linear motion?

Torque is the rotational analog of force in linear motion. It represents the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis. Just as force is required to accelerate an object in a straight line, torque is required to rotate an object.

What is torque and state the conditions of rotational equilibrium?

Torque is the measure of the rotational force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis. The conditions of rotational equilibrium are that the net torque acting on an object must be zero, which means the object is either at rest or rotating at a constant angular velocity.

What role does torque play in the rotational motion of a machines?

Torque is the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis. In machines, torque is essential for producing rotational motion by transmitting power from the source to the driven component. The amount of torque determines the machine's ability to overcome resistance and perform work efficiently.

What is the net torque acting on an object in rotational equilibrium?

The net torque acting on an object in rotational equilibrium is zero. This means that the sum of all torques acting on the object is balanced, causing it to remain at rest or maintain a constant rotational speed.

What formula of the rotational motion?

The rotational motion of an object can be described using the formula: τ = Iα where τ is the torque applied to the object, I is the moment of inertia of the object, and α is the angular acceleration of the object.

A torque acting on an object tends to produce what?

A torque acting on an object tends to produce rotational motion or a change in the object's rotational position. It causes the object to rotate around an axis.

What is the cause and the outcome of rotational motion?

The cause of rotational motion is a force towards a fixed point called centre of curvature. The outcome of rotational motion is the tendency of the rotating body to move radially- (eg) outward shifting of objects in a car as it takes a curved path.

What is the relationship between torque and velocity?

Torque is the rotational force applied to an object, while velocity is the speed at which the object is moving. In rotational motion, torque affects the angular acceleration of an object, which in turn can impact its angular velocity. The relationship between torque and velocity is described by the equation: Torque = Moment of inertia x Angular acceleration.