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a straight line

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Q: If two angles are supplementary and are on the same line what do they form?
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If two angles are supplementary to the same angles then?

they form a straight line

Two angles whose measures add up to 180 are called what?

The angles are called supplementary if they add to 180 degrees. Where the two angles are adjacent, they form a "linear pair" such that their farthest sides lie on the same line.

What happens when 2 parallel lines cross a straight line?

Their angles of intersection are the same, and the angles facing each other are supplementary.

Are linear pairs also supplementary?

not necesarily, supplementary angles have to add up to 180degrees so they can b linear pairs if their on the same line but not always

Do similar figures have corresponding angles that are supplementary?

Corresponding angles in similar figures should be the same, not supplementary.

Can three angles be supplementary?

NO, by definition only 2 angles can be supplementary. It goes the same way with complimentary

Can a pair of angles be supplementary and congruent?

No, a pair of angles that are supplementary will always have a sum of 180 degrees, while a pair of angles that are congruent will have the same measure. Therefore, it is not possible for a pair of angles to be both supplementary and congruent.

What are vertical angle?

Well, they're called vertically adjacent angles. They have the property that they are supplementary, because the non-adjacent sides form a straight line.

What two angles are congruent and supplementary to each other?

supplementary angles are equal to 180 degrees. so two congruent(same) angles would be 90 degrees!

What are the conditions that guarantee parallelism?

Parallel lines are lines that are coplanar (lying on the same plane) and do not intersectwhen cut by a transversal,corresponding angles formed by line n are equal in measure,alternate interior angles are equal in measures,the measures of alternate exterior angles are equal,consecutive interior angles are supplementary,consecutive exterior angles are supplementary.

What is the Congruent supplement that states if two angles are supplementary to the same angle then they are congruent?

Supplementary Congruency Theorem

Are same side interior angles congruent?

Same-side interior angles are supplementary. They are not always congruent, but in a regular polygon adjacent angles are congruent.