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Twenty-one over six.

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Q: If you divide my numerator by my denominator the quotient is greater than 3 but less than 4. My denominator is the least number that is divisible by 2 and 3. My numerator is a multiple of 7?
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When you divide a numerator of a fraction by the denominator what is the quotient?

The quotient is the result when you divide a numerator of a fraction by the denominator

What is the number written above the line in a fraction?

That would be the numerator. The numerator is above the denominator. The numerator divided by the denominator would be equal to the quotient. So, numerator/denominator = quotient

The log of a quotient is the log of a numerator divided by the log of the denominator?

No. The log of a quotient is the log of a denominator subtracted from the log of the numerator.

What is the quotient of 513 divided by 1523?


How do you make an improper in to a mixed fraction?

The improper fraction usually has a numerator that is greater than the denominator. Divide the numerator by the denominator. In most cases you will get a quotient and a remainder. Now write the quotient and suffix it with the fraction represented by the remainder obtained above as the numerator and the original denominator as the new denominator as well.

What is the answer in How can you tell that a fraction is a unit fraction?

1) If the numerator and denominator are equal 2) If dividing the numerator by the denominator yields a quotient of 1 with no remainder

When you're reducing a ratio what stays the same?

The quotient of the numerator and denominator.

The log of a quotient is the log of a numerator divided by the log of the denominator true or false?

False When logs are taken, division becomes subtraction, so the log of a quotient is the log of the numerator minus the log of the denominator.

The log of a quotient is the log of the numerator divided by the log of the denominator?

Not quite. The log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y) In words, this reads "The log of a quotient is the difference of the log of the numerator and the log of the denominator."

How do you convert fractions to percentges?

-- Divide the numerator by the denominator.-- Multiply the quotient by 100 .

How will you change fraction to percent?

-- Divide the numerator by the denominator. -- Multiply the quotient by 100 .

What is a quotient of two quantities shown as a numerator over a denominator?

A quotient of two quantities shown as a numerator over a denominator would be a fraction, e.g, 1/4, 2/5, 1/2, is a fraction