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Circle A contains three-digit numbers that begin and end with 8, whereas circle B contains three-digit numbers with middle digit 0. The only number that has both these properties is 808, so it alone is common to both A and B.

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Q: If you have the numbers 868 878 848 and 838 in circle A and the numbers 705 403 509 and 605 in circle B what number would you write where the circles of the Venn diagram overlap?
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What is a diagram in math?

A Venn diagram involves two overlapping circles. In one circle, write a subject and all the related ideas to that subject. Do the same thing in the other circle. Then, where the circles overlap, write what the two subjects have in common.

How do you solve a 3 circle venn diagram?

In a three-circle Venn diagram, you are comparing three things. The central space, where all three circles overlap, contains characteristics that all three things have. The spaces where only two circles overlap contains characteristics that those two things share, but do not have in common with the third thing. And the spaces where there is no overlap are reserved for characteristics that describe only the one thing, and neither of the two others.

What are the various parts of the Venn diagram?

In a venn diagram there is one circle for a group, another circle for a different group, and where they overlap is things that belong to both groups. Some include the space outside the circles where there are items that don't belong in any group.

What is a vent diagram?

perhaps you mean ven diagram? that's a diagram made of circles which overlap. for example, in an area you could take a survey of the number of black, white, and mixed race people. one circle would denote white people, one would denote black people, and the area in the middle, where the circles overlap, would denote people of mixed race. possibly not the best examples, but it's the best i can do

Inner circle in a venn diagram?

There are many different names for the inner circle of a Venn Diagram. Among these is the overlap, the intersect and the oval.

List five numbers that fall in the region outside the circles of the venn diagram for the numbers 30 and 36 and explain why they belong outside the circle?

is 7 and 8 and 11

How do you read a venn diagram with 2 circles in math?

A Venn diagram is basically showing two activities that a group of people do, and the place where the two circles overlap shows the amount of people which do BOTH the activities. For example, if the two circles represent tennis and basketball. Those who are in the basketball circle, and not in the overlapped section, they only do basketball. Those in the tennis circle, and not in the overlapped section, only do tennis. Those in the overlapped section do both basketball and tennis.

What is a Venn diagram divisible by 4 and 8?

The Venn diagram consists of a rectangle with two concentric circles. In the inner circle are the multiples of 8. In the outer circle are multiples of 4 which are not also multiples of 8. That is, they are 4 times all odd numbers. Mathematically, that is the set of numbers 4*(2n-1) where n is an integer. Outside the circles, are all the integers that are not divisible by 4.

What is the LCM of 9 18 and 21 using a venn diagram?

Circle A only: 9, 27, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117 Circle B only: No numbers Circle C only: 21, 42, 84, 105 Circles A and B intersect: 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108 Circles B and C intersect: No numbers. Circles A and C intersect: 63 Circles A, B and C intersect: 126

What is the gcf of 10 and 25 using venn diagram?

Put 2 and 10 in the left circle. Put 25 in the right circle. Put 1 and 5 in the space where they overlap. Since 5 is the greater of these two numbers, it is the GCF.

What is an Apollonian circle?

An Apollonian circle is a diagram of two families of circles such that every circle in the first family intersects every circle in the second family orthogonally.

How is a venn diagram used?

A Venn diagram can be used to compare and contrast two or more different items. It consists of two (or more) overlapping circles - so there is a small region of overlap between the circles. Generally, they can be used to illustrate the similarities and differences between two or more items. For instance, a Venn diagram could be used to compare lamps and flashlights. Both produce light (that information would go in the middle of the Venn diagram, where the circles overlap), but the lamp must be plugged in, while the flashlight runs on battery power (those pieces of information would go in the outsides of the circle - differences). Venn diagrams can also be used for probability, logic, stats, etc. By putting one situation or characteristic in each circle, you can determine the probability of one or both of the scenarios occurring. In this use of the Venn diagram, the region of overlap represents the time when both of the situations occur. For example, one could compare the number of students who have brown hair with the number of students who are more than 5 feet tall. Students with both of these characteristics would be placed in the middle of the Venn diagram (the overlap), while students with just one of these characteristics would fall in the outer edges of the circles.