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There are 6 × 6 = 36 possible outcomes

There are 3 odd numbers, so there are 3 × 3 = 9 results that are a success

→ probability of both dice showing an odd number = 9/36 = 1/4

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It is 0.25

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Q: If you roll two fair six sided dice what is the probability that both dice show an odd number?
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The probability is 1.

Two six sided dice are rolled which number has the lowest probability of being rolled?

If two six sided fair dice are rolled, the sum of the result of both dice that has the lowest probability to come up is 2 and 12. P(2) = 1/36. P(12) = 1/36.

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The probability of getting an even number on a six sided dice is 3 out of 6 or one half because the only even numbers are 2,4,6 (which are all even).

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The probability is 0. If both dice show the number 3 then the sum is 6 which is not odd.

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Assuming that it is a 6-sided die, the answer is 1/3.

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There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

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The probability is 0 since if both dice show the number 6, their sum is 12 which is not a prime.

What is the mathematical probability for each number on a dice if you roll the dice fifty times?

If the dice is 6 sided, the chances of rolling each number is about 17% (100/6) If the dice is 4 sided, the chances of rolling each number is 25% (100/4) Similarly, 8 sided = 12.5% 10 sided = 10% 12 sided ≈ 8% 20 sided = 5%

What is the probability of rolling a prime number on a six sided dice?

The probability is 1 out of two. The primes you can roll are 2,3, and 5.

What is the probability of rolling a 6 on two six sided dice?

The probability of rolling a six on either (or both) die is 11/36.

What is the probability of rolling a six-sided dice twice and coming up with number 5 both times?

(1/6)2 = 1/36