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Q: If youre to jog a mile a few hours after lunch which stored fuel would you probably tap?
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What would you measure the mass of your lunch in metric system?

Probably in grams.

What is the best part of the day for lawyers?

I would probably be their lunch break and time to go home. ;)

What would the people who lived in castles in medieval times eat?

The Lord ate bread and meat for breakfast, meat, bread and potatoes and vegetables for lunch, and maybe a apple pie for lunch, and probably more meat for tea. Peasant's wood have Barley for breakfast, something called 'Ploughman's Lunch' for lunch (this was brown bread and cheese) and probably barley soup for tea.

What time do most schools have lunch at?

All schools under the National School Lunch Program must serve lunch between 10 AM to 2 PM. my school eats lunch at 11:35

How long would take to travel to one end of the earth to the other?

It would take you probably about 5 hours or 7.5 hours or 6.5 hours and 10 hours.

What is 4 times a day?

Usually, breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and bedtime. Otherwise, the medicine would say every six hours which means you'd have to take it 24 hours a day.

If i was African and lived in Aruba and it was around lunch time and a metior struck the house ahead would my tevo still record lost?

Probably not.

What is lunch in ancient Rome called?

Lunch in Latin is "prandium". To lunch would be "prandere" (the verb).

What do people mean when they ask What time are you doing lunch today?

What time are you doing lunch today is an interrogative sentence. "What time" could be said as "When" but asking "what time" requests the person state a more specific time. The phrase "doing lunch" is awkward writing, since people eat lunch, not "do lunch". Adding "today" makes it specific to "this day". This kind of question would be asked sometime in the morning hours, in preparation or planning for lunch activities.

Can upper management claim a business lunch every day?

They could, but they would probably get audited for it sooner or later. The way the IRS has been lately probably sooner rather than later.

How would the liver maintain homeostasis if a person skipped her lunch?

If a person skipped a meal and the blood sugar levels dropped, the liver could release some of the stored sugar back into the blood.

What would happen if there was no sun for 24 hours?

If there was no sun for 24 hours it would be like an ECLIPSE and also plants need sunlight so they would probably not survive.