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Q: In a research study with an effect size of .20 the population of individuals have an overlap of about?
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What effect does non-random sample have on what you can say about the results of a study?

It means that the results of the study cannot be claimed to hold for the entire population from which the sample was drawn. The researchers can only claim that their results hold for the individuals selected into their sample.

If a research study is found to not be clinically significant can the research study still be beneficial and if so why would it be beneficial?

It is an indication that there the clinical effect is negligible.

The variation in the population as measured by the standard deviation has little or no effect in determining the size of a sample selected from the population True or False?

The answer is False

Strengths and weaknesses of correlation?

A good starting point to research and very good at showing relationship between variables but doesn't demonstrate cause and effect

What is the difference between a Statistical Question and a Research Question example please?

The research question is what your research is trying to explain/find answer. It generally attempts to find a way to relate your experiment with a target population (usually humankind).The statistical question deals with your specific experiment as in how your experiment affects your sample population. It is essentially what you are trying to determine.Example:A company has developed a new pesticide designed to control pine beetles in the coniferous forests, but the law requires that it's effect on fish populations is tested first before it can be released. Thus, we'll test the pesticide on the mortality of a chose fish species in our lab.Research Question: To what extent will the use of the new pesticide harm native fish poplulations?Statistical Question: How does the pesticide, when introduced to the water source, affect the fish we have in our lab?

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Bottleneck effect vs founder effect?

bottleneck effect is an evolutionary event in which population size is radically reduced because of catastrophic events. founder effect occur when few individuals migrate from main population and establishes a separate population in new geographical location. both of these are special cases of genetic drift.

How does working in antarctica effect the environment?

Research in the Antarctic informs environmental policies for governments representing 80% of the earth's population. The human impact of this research is negligible.

What characteristic do a bottleneck and a founder effect have in common?

The founder effect a genetic bottleneck are similar in their effect on the genetic diversity of a local population in both situations. They result in the development of a population from a small number individuals and is likely to have reduced genetic diversity.

What are two types of genetic drift?

Founder effect- isolation of few individuals from larger population; new population forms with different gene pool. Bottleneck effect- Drastic reduction of population size leading to a restrictive gene pool in wich the population must use to recover. Forms population with different gene pool.

What happens when a population is not evolving?

The hardy-Weinberg theorem is put into effect which describes an equillibrium among the individuals in a population and among the alleles that they share.

If natural resources become limited what three consequences will happen to each what individuals the community and the population?

The list of individuals needs to be provided so a person will know what the consequences would be on them. Unless the following individuals are listed a person can not know how this would effect them.

How does genetic drift lead to a change in a populations gene pool?

Genetic drift reduces variation in a population through allele loss, there are 2 situations of GD: a) Bottleneck effect: number of individuals is reduced significantly by a random event b) Founder effect: few individuals are separated and establish their own population both situations result in different allele frequency representations in new populations from their previous population`s

Is the killer whale in endangered?

They are not endangered as of yet. They are at potential risk of becoming endangered, The minimum population is 50,000 individuals, so it isn't endangered but human activity does effect the orca population annually.

Do grizzly bears effect the lives of polar bears?

Not at the moment, their territories doe not overlap.

What is the effect of competition in a population?

Competition in a population usually serves to encourage better and cheaper products and services. Companies and individuals strive to be the best, and hence the quality of skills and products on offer tend to increase.

Why genetic diversity decrease in founder effect?

Founder's effect is a type of genetic drift, a chance event that can disrupt the gene pool of a population. In this case, the gene pool is limited due to the similarity of genes shared within the group. These similarities are the result of a limited number of "founders" or individuals who started the population. A good example of founder's effect is the Amish population. A few individuals started the group and limited immigration and reproduction, which would have allowed for new combinations of genes to be added to the gene pool. Because of this lack of variation, the members of the population share many traits, thus resulting in decreased diversity.

What is the founders effect?

The founder effect is generically a loss of genetic diversity. But specifically, it refers to limited genetic diversity that occurs when a small group of individuals from a genetically diverse population of some species migrates away and forms a new colony. Because the new colony will be composed only of genes from those few individuals, its genetic diversity will be reduced compared to the parent population. Usually, this is associated with reduced genetic fitness and perhaps increased incidence of disease or other physiological maladaptations.Founder effect refers to the loss of genetic variation in a new population that is derived from only a few members of a large population. A link can be found below.When one of the new population is drawn from a small sample of the parental population it will be strikingly different geneticaly. This phenomenon is called the founder effect.