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1/2.54 = x/54

x = 21.26

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Q: In converting 54 cm to inches what unit would you place in the numerator of your ratio use the plural form in your answer remember that there are 2.54 cm in 1 inch?
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In converting 9 yards to inches what unit (omit the number) would you place in the numerator of your ratio Use the plural form in your answer. Remember that there are 36 inches in 1 yard?

inches go in the numerator

What. Is the plural of inch?

The plural form is inches. The plural possessive is inches'.

What is the plural possessive of inch?

The plural form is inches. The plural possessive is inches'.

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A Murmuration if remember correctly :-)

Is inches a verb?

It can be. Then it would be the third person singular form of inch.She inches her way to the table and reaches for the key.

In converting 7.5 pounds to ounces what unit omit the number would you place in the denominator of your ratio Use the plural form in your answer Remember that there are 16 ounces in 1 pound?

The unit for the denominator of the conversion factor is pound.

What of a pronoun indicates that it is singular or plural?

The form of a pronoun (e.g., "he" or "she" for singular, "they" for plural) typically indicates whether it is referring to one person or multiple people. Singular pronouns are used to represent one individual, while plural pronouns are used to represent more than one person.

What is the hikers singular or plural?

Plural because of "S" just remember the rules :)

When to use inch instead of inches?

"Inch" is the singular, "inches" is the plural. The singular would be used when there is 1, the plural when there are more than 1.

What is the plural of the word inch?

Daily Mail, England: inchs.

How do you spell inch but in plural form?


In converting 100 ounces to pounds what unit (omit the number) would you place in the denominator of your ratio Use the plural form in your answer. Remember that there are 16 ounces in 1 pound.?

The denominator will be in ounces. Since the number is to be omitted, the number of ounces in a pound are irrelevant.