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Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius

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Q: In the circumference formula for a circle what does 2 get multiplied by?
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How do you find a surcumference of a circle?

Formula for finding the circumference of a circle: 2 multiplied by pi multiplied by radius

Part of the circumference of a circle?

An arc is part of a circumference of a circle. The circumference itself is an arc length. The circumference of a circle is found by using the formula circumference (C) is equal to 2 multiplied by pi and the radius, or 2 x pi x r, where r is the radius and pi is 3.14.

How can you measure circumference?

The circumference of a circle can be measured by using the formula: C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius of the circle. Simply multiply 2 times π (approx. 3.14) by the radius of the circle to calculate the circumference.

What is the circumference formula?

Assuming you mean the Circumference of a Circle: C = 2 x pi x Radius or C = pi x Diameter

Why is pi used to find the circumference of a a circle?

Because the circumference is equal to the diameter multiplied by pi or the radius multiplied by 2*pi.

How do find the circumference of a circle?

The formula; 2 * Pi * Radius = circumference Will calculate the circumference of a circle.

What is the formula for the diameter or a circle?

If you are given the radius of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = 2*radius If you are given the circumference of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = circumference/pi

What is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 3.12?

The circumference of a circle is equal to the radius, multiplied by 2 x pi. Thus, in this case, you can divide the circumference by 2 x pi, to get the radius.

What is the formula for the circumference of a circle in pi?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

What is a formula that shows a circumference of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

How do you find the formula for the circumference of a circle?

Circle's circumference = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

How do you answer the formula of a circumference?

to find the circumference of a circle you do 2 times3.14timesthe radius