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Heat flows from the hotter object to the colder object, unless there is some external process (such as a heat pump) which is transferring the heat in the opposite direction.

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Q: In which direction is energy transferred as heat between two objects at different temperatures?
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What direction will heat flow between 2 objects with different temperatures?


Which direction does heat flow from when both temperatures are the same?

When both temperatures are the same, heat does NOT flow between objects.

What is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies which are at different temperatures?

Thermal energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation. The formulae for the rate of transfer - if that's what you are after - vary, depending on which type of transfer is predominant.

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In what direction will heat flow between two objects with different temperatures?

From the warmer object to the colder one. page 482 in the textbook, under the soup!

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The transfer of energy between two objects at different average thermal kinetic energies (temperatures) is referred to as heat transfer. It is always called heat transfer, regardless of what kind of energy is being transferred.

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it is transfered 300

What is the energy that flows between objects with different temperatures called?

It is known as "heat".