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(6◘9)◘4◘6=10 Whats the answer?????

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Q: Insert operation symbols to make each equation true?
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What is an operation that Undos each other like multiplication and division?


How do you solve algebra equations?

-- You select an operation. -- You apply the same operation to each side of the equation. -- You keep doing both steps until the equation says (the variable) = (the value of the variable)

When you perform the same inverse operation on each side of an equation what tyoe od eqaution do you produce?

an equivalent equasion

Are there any synonyms for the words chemical equation?

A chemical equation written in symbols is sometimes called a balance equation, because the numbers of each kind of atom have to balance on both sides. If it's written in words it's called a word equation.

Which quantity must always be the same on both sides of a balanced chemical equation?

The numbers of atoms of each elemental type, as represented by their element symbols, will always be the same on both sides of a balanced chemical equation.

How do you solve -x equals 1?

in order to solve an equation for x, you must make sure that x is alone, in this case it is not, there is a (-) before it, remember, you have to do the same operation on each side of the equation to make it equivalent to the first equation. if -x=1 x=(-)1 x=-1

how to balance a chemical equation?

Count each type of atom in reactants and products. ... Place coefficients, as needed, in front of the symbols or formulas to increase the number of atoms or molecules of the substances. ... Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the equation is balanced.

What represents chemical names of substances in a chemical equation?

In a chemical equation, each element has a symbol (in the periodic table in the elements). You use those symbols to create a chemical equation. For example, water is H2O. "H" represents Hydrogen, "O" represents Oxygen and the 2 means that there are two oxygen particles for each oxygen particle. Together, this creates one water molecule.

Where is the mobile phone symbol in microsoft word?

In most versions of Microsoft Word there is an Insert menu. One of the options you can insert is symbols. You will need to select were in Word you want that symbol to appear and you may need to look around the various Fonts for the particular symbol that is a mobile 'phone

Why are subtraction addition multiplication division called reciprocal or inverse operations?

The inverse operation of addition would be subtraction. The inverse operation of subtraction would be addition. The inverse operation of multiplication is division and the inverse operation of division is multiplication. It is called the inverse operation because you are reversing the equation. If you add, subtract, multiply, or divide the same number on each side of the equation, then the equation would still be true. As long as you are doing the same thing on BOTH side of the equation. The reciprocal is used for dividing fractions. All you have to do for finding the reciprocal of a fraction is flip the fraction. Ex: The reciprocal of 1/4 is 4. The reciprocal of 5/8 is 8/5. You can check by multiplying the two fractions. It will equal to one if you did it right. I hope this helped a little bit.

What is the operation which undo each other?

inverse operation

What kind of chemical equation has the same number of atoms of each element on each side of the equation?

A "balanced" equation.