

Is -1 the biggest prime number?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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9y ago

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-1 isn't prime.

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Q: Is -1 the biggest prime number?
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What is the biggest prime number from 1-100?

It is: 97

Which is the worlds biggest prime number?

There is no biggest prime number: they go on for ever.

What is the biggest 3 digit prime number?

997 is the biggest 3 digit prime number.

What is the biggest prime number ever discovered?

it is 17 million digits number, 257.885.161-1

What is the biggest prime number?

There is no biggest prime number.The largest prime known at present is 243112609 - 1, a number with nearly 13 million decimal digits. It was verified by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search on August 23, 2008.For more information about record prime numbers, see the related link.Since we know there is no biggest number, there is no reason to believe there is such a restriction on Prime Numbers.

What is the difference between the biggest and the smallest prime number within 100?

97 is a prime number so is 1 so the difference is 96

Which is biggest prime number in world?

There is no biggest prime and the proof is quite simple. Suppose P were the biggest prime. Multiply together all the primes from 2 upto P. Call this number Q. Add 1 so that your final number is Q+1. Now, divide Q+1 by any prime. The prime will go into Q (by the way Q is defined) and so, when dividing Q+1, there will be a remainder of 1. So Q+1 cannot be divided by any prime fro 2 to P so Q+1 is itself a prime. And the way in which it was defined Q+1 is MUCH bigger than P.

What is the 3 digit biggest number?

997 is the biggest 3 digit Prime number.

What is the next biggest prime number after 15?

Seventeen is the next prime number after fifteen.

Is there a biggest prime number and if yes no why?

No because the amount of numbers is infinite and there is no pattern to suggest that the amount of prime numbers is not infinite. * * * * * In fact, there is a relatively simple proof that there is no biggest prime. Suppose P were the biggest prime. Multiply together all the primes from 2 upto P. Call this number Q. Add 1 so that your final number is Q+1. Now, divide Q+1 by any prime. The prime will go into Q (by the way Q is defined) and so, when dividing Q+1, there will be a remainder of 1. So Q+1 cannot be divided by any prime fro 2 to P so Q+1 is itself a prime. And the way in which it was defined Q+1 is MUCH bigger than P.

Which is the biggest even prime number?

2 is.

What is the biggest two digit prime number?

The largest 2-digit prime number is 97.