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2 is the smallest Prime number.

11 and 97 are the least and greatest two-digit prime numbers.

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Q: Is 11 and 97 are the smallest prime numbers?
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Related questions

What is the smallest and largest 2 digit prime numbers?

The smallest is 11 and the largest is 97.

What is the difference between the greatest and smallest 2-digit prime numbers?

11 is the smallest 2-digit prime number and 97 is the greatest 2 digit prime number, so their difference is 86

What is the smallest and largest two digit prime number?

The smallest is 11 and the largest is 97.

What is the sum of the smallest and largest prime numbers within 100?

The largest prime is 97 and the smallest is 2 (1 is not considered part of the prime number set). So the sum is 97 + 2 = 99

What is the difference of the smallest and the largest prime numbers 100?

97 - 2 = 95

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53, 11, 97, 79 are prime.

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99 - 2 = 97

What is the sum of the largest and the smallest prime numbers within 100?

97 + 2 = 99

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158 is the sum of the greatest and smallest prime numbers between 60 and 97.

What is the sum of the least and greatest prime numbers between 10 and 100?

In the interval [10,100] the lowest prime number is 11. The highest prime number is 97. 11 + 97 = 108.

What is between the largest prime number and the smallest composite number below 100?

Many prime numbers and many composite numbers.

What is the difference of the largest two digit prime number subtracted by the smallest two digit prime number?

97 - 11 = 86