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Q: Is 5 subtract from 6 is equal to 6-5?
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6 2/5 - 5 3/4 = 13/20 6 and 2/5 becomes 128/20 5 and 3/4 becomes 115/20 Subtract the numerators and you have your answer. Or, 6 2/5 = 6.4 and 5 3/4 = 5.75 6.4 - 5.75 = .65 .65 = 13/20

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5/6 1/1 is also equal to 6/6. therefore, 6/6 - 1/6 = 5/6. simply subtract the numerators to find the value of this expression.

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First, subtract 1 from 6 turning your next component of the equation to be 5. Then add 5 and 6 to equal 11. Therefore, 6 - 1 + 6 equals 11.

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You have to know the basic multiplication to be able to do this kind of math. Well, 13 times 5 equals 65. 5 times 3 equals 15, carry your 1. 5 times 1 equals 5 plus the 1 you carried which is 6. Now bring the two numbers 6 and 5 and you will have 65.

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5 foot 5 inches = 65 inches6 foot 4 inches = 76 inches(65 + 76 ) / 2 = 71 inches = 5 foot 11 inches.The above answer is average not middle to do that you subtract then divide by 2 do76-65 is 1111 divide by 2 is 5.55.5 is your answer

What is 5t 5 equal to or lesser than 6t?

5 feet 5 inches is less than 6 feet. 5 feet 5 inches = 65 inches. 6 feet = 72 nches.

I am thinking of a three-diget number If you subtract 5 from it the restult is divisible by 5 If you subtract 6 from it the restult is divisible by 6 if you subtract 7 f?

210. basic math is your friend.

Is 65 divided by 5 6 remainder 5?

65/5 = 13. (So, no.)