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Q: Is HCN linear bent trigonal pyramid trigonal plane or tetrahedral?
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Why does the cutter attempt to cut the diamond along the tetrahedral plane?

So the cutter can get the exact shape the cutter wants if the plane fits into the plan for the cut. The tetrahedral plane is the diamond's weakest plane.

What is the bond angle of c2h2?

120 degrees as methyl carbocation has a trigonal planar structure with 3 hybridised sp2 orbitals in a plane with bond angle 120 deg and the fourth unhybridised orbital perpendicular to the plane

What is the shape of pcl5 molecule?

In the vapour and liquid it has a triangular bipyramidal sconfiguration three Cl in the same plane as P with a 120 degree Cl-P Cl bond angle. the other two Cls are at right angles. In the solid it is IONIC! PCl4+ PCl6-

What will lie flat on a plane Methane ethane ethene ethyne chloromethane?

Out of the given molecules, methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) will lie flat on a plane. Methane has a tetrahedral shape with carbon at the center and four hydrogen atoms attached to it, while ethane has a linear shape with two carbon atoms bonded together and six hydrogen atoms attached to the carbons. Ethene (C2H4), ethyne (C2H2), and chloromethane (CH3Cl) have bent or trigonal planar geometries, which means they won't lie flat on a plane.

How many atoms are in NI3?

Trigonal pyramidal - don't forget nitrogen's lone pair.

What shape is trigonal planar?

A central atom attached to 3 other atoms, all lying on the same plane.

How many plane shapes in a pyramid?

A pyramid is a generic term and can have any number (>3) of plane faces. A triangular pyramid has 4 faces, a rectangular one has 5, and so on. A pyramid whose base has n sides has n+1 faces.

What is the base of a pyramid called?

the base, plane, or bottom

What plane figure is always found in a pyramid?


Is a base of a pyramid a plane geometric surface?


Are A linear equation determines a line in the xy-plane?

Yes, the world "linear" and "line" have the same root.

What is the relation between straight lines and linear equations?

The graph, in the Cartesian plane, of a linear equation is a straight line. Conversely, a straight line in a Cartesian plane can be represented algebraically as a linear equation. They are the algebraic or geometric equivalents of the same thing.