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Q: Is The art of combining two or more simultaneous melodic lines is called counterpoint?
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The technique of combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole is called?


What is a texture of solo voice or instrument with a chordal accompaniment called?

Simultaneous performance of two or more melodic lines of relatively equal interest produces the texture called polyphonic, meaning having many sounds. In polyphony several melodic lines compete for attention. The technique of combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole is called counterpoint or contracanto.

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* Earliest polyphony called organum * Combining 2 (or more) melodic lines, or adding one (or more) new melodic lines to an existing chant

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Invertible counterpoint The contrapuntal design of two or more voices in a polyphonic texture so that any of them may serve as an upper voice or as the bass. Invertible counterpoint involving two (three, four) voices is called double (triple, quadruple) counterpoint.

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Musical texture that is based on counterpoint is called?

polyphony? contrapuntal? there may be others

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The motion in which translator motion and rotatory motion takes place simultaneously is called simultaneous motion

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