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Not always. It depends where the line of symmetry is located.

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Q: Is a 180 degree rotation a reflection for a regular shape?
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Is it a glide-reflection rotation reflection or translation?

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What transformations produce a congruent shape?

Translation, rotation, reflection.

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A transformation (this includes reflection, translation, and rotation)

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What shape has one line of reflection symmetry and no rotation symmetry?

The letter T for example

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order of rotation of semicircle is 1. angle of rotation of semicircle is 360 degree. If you want to find angle of rotation of a shape, then divide 360 from order of rotation of a shape.

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The order of rotation of 4 is 1 as the shape 4 can be rotated 360 degree to get the same shape.

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How do you do 180 degree rotation of a shape on a coordinate?

(-e, -h)

What is a 90 degree counterclockwise angle equivalent to?

Rotation preserves shape - therefore the angle before the rotation equals the angle after the rotation.

What is a transformation of a figure by sliding it in a straight path without rotation or reflection?

It is a translation of the shape on the coordinated grid

What are transformations that result is an image that is the same shape and size as the original?

They are translation, reflection and rotation. An enlargement changes the size of the image.