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Q: Is a kg bigger smaller or less than a g?
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Is kg smaller or mg smaller?

On the earth, a mass of 1 kg weighs 2.205 pounds. On the moon, the same 1 kg mass weighs 0.36 pounds.

Is 1kg bigger less than 750g?

There are 1000g in a kg so 1kg is greater than 750g(.75kg).

Are bigger objects always heavier than smaller ones?

No. A balloon that is HUGE is lighter than a brick of the same or even smaller size.

Which is smaller 0.45 kg or 0.456 kg?

The first represents a smaller value (but is not necessarily smaller). 0.45 kg has exactly 6 grams less mass; but a 0.456 kg block of gold would be much smaller than a 0.45 kg marshmallow.

Is 215 kg bigger smaller or equal to 2150 g?


Is 8 kg bigger or smaller than 5000 g?

1 kg = 1000 grams 8 kg = 8000 grams Compare that to 5000 grams and you decide

Which is bigger 200 grams or 20 kilogram?

20 grams is less than 2kg. 2kg is 2000 grams.

Is 32 hg bigger or smaller than 3.2 kg?

32Hg is less than is 3.2 Kg because kg is a larger unit that Hg all i am saying is that 32 hectograms is greater kilograms is before hectograms

Is 3 kg bigger than 40000 mg?

It may or may not be bigger, but it's greater.

Is a white dwarf smaller than Pluto?

A white dwarf could be smaller or bigger than the moon since it's size varies depending on the mass of the white dwarf. Since the mass of the moon is 7.347 x 1022 kg and the mass of Pluto is 1.31×1022 kg the size of a white dwarf is also smaller or bigger than Pluto depending on it's mass.

Is 20 g greater than 2 kg?

No, 2 Kg (Kilograms) is greater than 20g (grams).

Which one is a massive a 25 kilogram or 50 kilogram?

50 is bigger than 25 so 50 kg is more massive than 25 kg!50 is bigger than 25 so 50 kg is more massive than 25 kg!50 is bigger than 25 so 50 kg is more massive than 25 kg!50 is bigger than 25 so 50 kg is more massive than 25 kg!