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Cellular activity often takes place at the interface between the cell and its surroundings - other cells or the environment. This area of activity is greater when the area to volume ratio is higher - not lower.

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Q: Is a lower surface area to volume ratio is more efficient for cellular activity?
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Is a higher surface area to volume ratio is more efficient for cellular activity?


What relationship between surface area and volume must organisms achieve to ensure efficient delivery of nutrients?

maximize surface area and minimize volume

What does a cell surface area to the volume ratio effect?

As a cell grows bigger, its internal volume enlarges and the cell membrane expands. Unfortunately, the volume increases more rapidly than does the surface area, and so the relative amount of surface area available to pass materials to a unit volume of the cell steadily decreases.Finally, at some point, there is just enough surface available to service all the interior; if it is to survive, the cell must stop growing.The important point is that the surface area to the volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger.Thus, if the cell grows beyond a certain limit, not enough material will be able to cross the membrane fast enough to accommodate the increased cellular volume.When this happens, the cell must divide into smaller cells with favorable surface area/volume ratios, or cease to function.That is why cells are so small.

An adaptation to increase the surface area of a part of a cell that is involved in cellular respiration?

Rugae is the folding of the surface of an organelle to increase the surface area of a volume.

Why a high ratio of surface area to volume benefits a cell?

A high surface area to volume ratio allows the diffusion of water, nutrients, and wastes be more efficient. A higher surface area permits more substances through the cell membrane, and makes the diffusion process more effective and efficient. Hope this helped :)

How does the surface area to volume ratio affect osmosis?

The higher the ratio, the faster and more efficient osmosis occurs.

Why are groups of a small cells better than one large cell at moving material in and out?

they have a greater surface-to-volume ratio

Why is high surface area to volume ratio important to fungus?

Fungi make their food via absorption, and a large surface area makes nutrient absorption extremely efficient.

Cells are limited in size by their surface Ares and what else?

Cell size is limited by volume.Surface area to volume ratio (surface area / volume)Nucleo-cytoplasmic ratioFragility of cell membraneMechanical structures necessary to hold the cell together (and the contents of the cell in place)

Why is drop of liquid spherical?

a sphere is the most efficient shape to contain volume. surface tension draws the drop into the sphere, like elastic.

When a cell increases in size?

Its Volume Increases faster than its Surface area.

How can you obtain a cell's ratio of surface area to volume?

To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.