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Negative divided by a negative is always a positive.

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Q: Is a negative divided by a negative a posotive?
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Negative and posotive numbers in an expression?

Sure, why not?

Can the absolute value of a be posotive or negative?

It can be either.

Does a negative and a posotive number equal a negative?

A negative number TIMES a positive number will equal a negative number. A negative number DIVIDED BY a positive number (or vice versa) will equal a negative number. With addition and subtraction, it all depends on what the numbers are.

What were some negative and posotive points of Christianity?

i have no info.

What Harry Potter's positive and negative actions?

in 1 his posotive is hogwarts his negative is voldemort

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posotive/ negative numbers

What happens when you subtract a negative from a posotive?

Subtracting a negative is like adding a positive; the result will be positive.

Does pride cause jealousy?

Pride is posotive and jealousy is negative.

Is 5 to the negative 2 a posotive or negative number?

5^-2 can be expressed as; 1/5^2 = 1/25 positive

The product of two posotive numbers or two negative numbers is?

The product of two positive numbers or two negative numbers is a positive number.