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The empty set, if you are referring to names of days of the week.

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an empty set

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Q: Is a set of days with names containing x?
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What are the examples of dis joint set?

A_{x\x are set of days in a week}

What is the union set?

The union of two sets, X and Y, is the set containing all the elements that are either in X or in Y or in both. Duplicate entries are usually removed.

What is the Set builder notation for all the days of the week?

{x| x is the name of day of week}

How many days are in 17 years?

In a set of 17 years including 4 leap years, there are a total of (13 x 365) + (4 x 366) = 6209 days. In a set of 17 years including 5 leap years, there are a total of (12 x 365) + (5 x 366) = 6210 days.

Definition of UNIT set?

The unit set of x is the set whose sole member is x. The unit set is to be distinguished from its member: for example, the unit set of the set of days of the week has one member, but that member is itself a set that has seven members.

What is the set builder notation for 3?

First of all, there are many different ways to express 3 in set builder notation, to be more precise, there are many different ways to express the set containing 3 as its only element. Here are a few ways {x∈R | x=3} or {x∈N | 2<x<4} or even just {3}

How many days are there in x weeks and x days?

As there are 7 days in a week, x weeks will equal 7x days.So: x weeks + x days = 7x days + x days = 8x days.

What are the different way of presenting relations?

A relation is any set of ordered pairs. A relation can be represented by: - an x-y graph with a dot for each ordered pair. - in set notation e.g. {(1,2), (2, 4), (3, 6)} - an arrow diagram. On the left is an oval containing the elements of the domain (x-values). On the right is an oval containing the elememts of the range ( y-values). For each ordered pair, an arrow is drawn from the x-value to y-value.

What country is spellt with a x?

The only country containing an x is Mexico.

What are the Daniel x books in order?

The Dangerous Days of Daniel XDaniel X: Watch the SkiesDaniel X: Demons and Druids (set to be released July 26th, 2010)Daniel x: "Game Over"TBA

How many days are there in x weeks days?

if you meant how many week days then x = x * 5 if you meant how many days alltogether then x = x * 7

How many days in 92 hours?

Set up a proportion: 1 Day: 24 Hours is x Days: 92 Hours Multiply the left side of the first half by the right side of the second half, and vice versa. This gives: 24x=92 x=92/24 x= 3 and 5/6 days or 3.833333333333 days