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Not necessarily. The two sides of equal length could be adjacent sides.

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Q: Is a trapezoid that has two sides of equal length is it an isosceles trapezoid?
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Difference with trapezoid and isosceles trapezoid?

If the two sides which are not parallel have equal lengths, then the trapezoid is called an isosceles trapezoid (standard trapezoid has unequal sides). The base angles in an isosceles trapezoid are equal in measurement, also I know that a trapezoid with two nonparallel sides the same length is called an isosceles trapezoid.

Parallel sides of a trapezoid?

Called an Isosceles trapezoid when the sides that aren't parallel are equal in length.

Can the parallel sides of an isosceles trapezoid be equal?

No but the diagonals are equal in length

What is the difference between an isosceles trapezoid and an isosceles triangle?

An Isosceles trapezoid has four sides (is a quadrilateral) with a pair of parallel sides and the other two sides of equal length; whereas An isosceles triangle has three sides with a pair of sides of the same length and the other side a different length.

Is it possible for the bases of a trapezoid to be equal?

No its parallel bases can never be equal in length. But if it is in the form of an isosceles trapezoid then its slanted sides are equal in length.

What other shape can a trapezoid be?

A trapezoid can also be a parallelogram if its non-parallel sides are of equal length.

What are characteristic isosceles trapezoid?

Base angles are equal and non-parallel sides are equal in length.

What quadrilateral have no equal sides?

A trapezoid has no equal sides providing that it is not an isosceles trapezoid.

What does a trapezoid in which the nonparallel sides have the same length describe?

The description given fits that of an isosceles trapezoid whereas non parallel sides are equal in length and base angles are equal in sizes.

What is a trapezoid with even legs?

A trapezoid with even legs is a geometric shape where both of the non-parallel sides (or legs) are of equal length. The parallel sides, on the other hand, are not necessarily equal in length.

Does an isosceles trapezoid have 2 pairs of parallel sides?

No. All trapezoids have only one pair of parallel sides which are different in length. In an isosceles trapezoid the lengths of the two non-parallel sides are equal.

What does isosceles mean?

If you are talking about the triangle:An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length. Sometimes it is specified as having two and only two sides of equal length, and sometimes as having at least two sides of equal length.If you are talking about the trapezoid (or trapezium):In Euclidean geometry, an isosceles trapezoid is a convex quadrilateral with the line of symmetry bisecting one pair of opposite sides.