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yes because 3 feet is 36 inches

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Q: Is an 87 cm rug longer or shorter than a you meter rug?
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Is an 87-cm rug longer or shorter than a 1-meter rug?


Is a 6-cm rug longer or shorter than a 0635 meters in length?


Is 87 cm rug longer or shorter than a 1 mm rug?

1 cm equals 10 mm and 87 cm equals 870 mm.By far 87 cm is longer than 1 mm.

The area of a rug is 36 square feet The length of the rug is 5 feet longer than the width What is the width of the rug?


The area of a rug is 66 square feet The length of the rug is 5 feet longer than the width What is the width of the rug?

6 feet.

The perimeter of a stander size rectangular rug is 40ft The lenght is 2 feet longer than the width Find the dimension?

the perimeter of a rectangular rug is 40 ft. the length is 2 ft longer than the width. find the dimensions

The area of a rug is 36 square feet. The length of the rug is 5 feet longer than the width. What is the width of the rug?

The length is 9 feet and the width is 4 feet Check: 9 times 4 = 36 square feet

Can you wash rug pads?

You can, but it is not really ever cost effective to do so. A good rug pad has a lifespan of about 5 years. By the time it needs cleaning, it probably will no longer have its non-skid properties and not be worth cleaning anyway. Also, cleaning a rug pad is usually more expensive than just replacing it.

What types of materials can a hearth rug be made from?

A hearth rug is usually made from fire resistant materials. A hearth rug is good to use around a fireplace rather than a normal rug to prevent any accidental rug fires.

Amy has a rectangular rug. The rug is 4 feet longer than it is wide. Part A Write and equation that can be used to determine the area of the rug Part B Amy adds a 2.5-foot border all the way around th?

The first part is Area = W*(W + 4) square feet where W is the length, in feet. It is not clear what is required in part B.

Natural Area Rug?

form_title= Natural Area Rug form_header= Decoarte your home with a natural area rug! What are your desired rug dimensions?*= _ [50] What color rug are you interested in?*= _ [50] How many rugs do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}

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