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Q: Is an example of the compliment rule being applied to mutally exclusive events?
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What does mutally exclusive mean?

It means the two events cannot simultaneously occur; for example the two events, being dead and being alive are mutually exclusive, since they cannot occur at the same time.

Where you can find masculine beaded curtains that match a blue theme?

"Masculine" and "beaded" are sort of mutally exclusive.

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The words you just listed are just that words. The meaning behind it is a mutally agreed definition for the word. If the words were to be switched then nothing else would happen. It would just be a different word used for the same meaning.

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Since the probability of both events is not mutally exlcusive (you could draw both at the same time), the probability is: P(queen)+P(face)-P(both) (4/52)+(12/52)-(4/52) 12/52, which is a bit less than 0.25

How does Clausewitz explain Limited War?

Clausewitz died in 1831. That's 114 years BEFORE histories first atomic bomb went off. Today's (Atomic Age) meaning of "Limited War" pertains directly to the atomic age. Meaning; declared total wars can no longer be fought without risking MAD (Mutally Assured Destruction).

How would endosymbiosis have been mutally beneficial for pre-eularyotic cells and for the small prokaryotes that invaded them?

Both of the cells received a benefit from living together. First, the pre-eukaryotic cells gave the small prokaryotes a source of shelter and protection from predators as well as fuel to make energy. Then, in return the prokaryotes gave the pre-eukaryotic cells a source of energy.

What do you do when your best friend doesnt want to be your friend any more?

Then you respect their feelings, learn from the situation and move forward - spend time with your other friends. Suck it up buttercup. Relationships are mutally benificial not one way. There is no BFF, we all have a group of friends that you spend time with, some will drift apart, others you remain close as we live grow and navatigate through our lives.

Do the languages spoken in Central Asia help unify or help divide the countries?

The Turkish languages or dialects widely spoken in Central Asia are mutally intelligeable and help create a sense of larger community for their speakers. However, there are lesser numbers of speakers of non-Turkic languages, including Russian speakers who either themselves or their ancestors moved to Centeral Asia largely in the 20th century.

How do you let go of a relationship when you both still care for each other?

If you both have sat down and mutally decide it would be best for both of you to move on then you both have to respect one anothers space and time - you need to distance yourselves from one another for some time to allow one another to get by this. It is easier said then done but time heals all wounds and people do it everyday - it is possible and things will get better.

How long do you have to wait to get divorced in the state of Missouri?

Although the court might suggest a 'cooling off' period to detemine if you both truly want to go ahead with the divorce action, there is no legally mandated waiting period.Once the proper papers are filed with the court, it will take as long as it takes to work its way through the court's docket. If the action is mutally agreeable, probably sooner than if one of the parties wishes to contest it.

War strategies during the cold war?

It was to keep Communism contained by preventing Communist infiltration and revolution in non-Communist countries. This strategy was based on the knowledge that Communism would fail on its own unless it was constantly spreading to new areas.

Did cold war change from origins in the '40s and 50's until end in the late 1980s?

The date of the cold war is specific: The day the A-bomb destroyed Hiroshima on 06 August 1945. From that date onward, the US and the world knew that total wars would result in total annihilation of mankind (MAD-Mutally Assured Destruction), if everybody used nuclear weapons. In 1949 the Soviets got the bomb; now MAD was a guaranteed reality. This remained the same until the Soviets collapsed in 1990.