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yes, goku was only want to watch the fighting moves of gohan thats why goku has a chance to win against cell but its look like Perfect Cells cells will be completly Destroyed leading to his Defeat when goku Use a Spirit Bomb on him but frieza can survive and some people vote frieza stronger than cell

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Q: Is frieza 100 percent final form stronger than cell 1st form?
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Who is stronger frieza in final form or perfect cell?

Okay of course cell perfect form because it took super saiyan 2 to beat him! And it took only super saiyan 1 to beat frieza in final form. So Cell perfect form is stronger

Did piccolo is stronger than frieza in cell saga?

Yes. In cell saga piccolo is even stronger than goku when fighting with cell for the first time,so he must be stronger than frieza.

Is frieza 100 percent strongert than cell ist form?

well that's a hard question to answer because cell 1st form is stronger than a super saiyan because #18 beat the crap out of a super saiyan and cell 1st form is most definetly stronger than #18 but super saiyan goku didnt nessacarily KILL frieza because he survived and he also survived the entire planet namek exploding. but then again ultra super saiyan trunks killed frieza with ease so i guess that makes frieza is more stronger

Who would win in a fight between perfect Cell and Frieza?

Cell is alot stronger than Frieza. Frieza couldn't beat a super Saiyan 1. Cell toyed around with a super Saiyan 2. Cell would kill Frieza would be a miracle if frieza wins against cell. Yeah Cell would most probably...Frieza pffff he'll get his limbs dismembered if dares to

Why cell is stronger then frieza?

cell is very very strong at his power and frieza but frieza cant control hes own powe this is the only proof that frieza is weacker and becauseking ki sayd that cell is EVEN stronger than frieza, but frieza in his battle level is stronger couse he can reach up to 350 million wheach makes him stronger than 18 and 17 androids and even a little bit than ssj2 goku, frieza was born this was but if he trained he might be strong as sjj11 goku or 20 if it would exist, frieza made a good fight even if he was hurt very badly but he couldnt take it because he had also stress on hes body if he hadnt heave this problem he will be stonger than even 6 broly,s so frieza might heave a chance of winning but cell is very strong for me is hard to chose you will never know bye.

Who will win frieza or cell?


Is Goku stronger than frieza?

No, Goku is stronger since he can go super saiyan 2 and 3. Goku was still stronger in the cell saga since he is evenly matched with cell and trunks couldn't even keep up with cell Trunks couldn't keep up with Cell because he simply used the wrong form, he thought he could beat cell with pure strength. In the Cell Saga Goku and Trunks were equal.

What is frieza and cell fusion?

It is called frezell or ceiza

Was gohan stronger than frieza?

I've read the manga and haven't watched all of the anime. But I do think he's stronger than his father. What made me believe this was when Goku couldn't defeat Cell but his son was able to when he was enraged. His anger makes him stronger and Goku knew that.

Are Frieza and Cell the same character?

No, Frieza is the overlord of most of the known universe while Cell is an Android only interested in absorbing a handful of other androids to achieve his "Perfect form"

How did goku get stronger than vegeta in dbz?

Powerful enough to beat Frieza and Cooler easily. Cyborgs and Androids including Cell 1st form - That's it.

Who is stronger then vegeta?

Gohan and Goku, if you are referring to GT. If you mean in each individual saga, then Frieza, Cell, any form of Buu, Omega Shenron, Baby, the guy that controlled metal (can't remember his name), Cooler, Turles, and Broly.