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Q: Is height and volume the same thing?
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Where is the height in volume?

You have sideways <<< Upways ^^^^ And of course width which is how wide it is. Side and width are the same thing ;). Height is the thing you x the width and the side by.

What happen to the volume of cone and cylinder if they have the same base and height?

In that case, the volume will also be the same.

How can you find the volume of a cone with the same base and height?

Volume formula for a cone: 1/3*pi*radius squared*height

What is the volume of such a cylinder to the volume of the one having the same height but twice the radius?

A quarter.

Which solid has a volume that is 3 times the volume of a cone with the same base and height?

It is a cylinder

How do you find the height and diameter of a cylinder with just the volume?

You cannot find the height and diameter of a cylinder by knowing the volume only. There are infinite combinations of height and diameter that will result in the same volume. You need to know either the diameter or the height in addition to the volume to calculate the remaining unknown. Volume = pi/4 * d2 * h (note: pi/4 * d2 is the same as pi * r2)

How is the volume of a cone related to the volume of the cylinder with the same radius and height?

The cone has 1/3 of the volume of the cylinder.

How is the volume of a cone and a cylinder related?

The volume of a cone is 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder with the same radius and height

How do you convert the volume of a prism into the volume of a pyramid that has the same base area and height?

formula of the volume of a prism = (base area)(height) formula of the volume of a pyramid = (1/3)(base area)(height) therefore, to convert the volume of a prism to that of a pyramid, just divide it by 3

How does the volume of a prism compare to the volume of the pyramid with the same base and height?

The volume of the prism is three times as much as that of the prism.

Are length and height the same thing?

yes they are the same things

What is the ratio of the volume of such a cylinder to the volume of one having twice the height but the same radius?

2 to 1