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The probability of a fair coin landing on heads or tails is even, i.e. 50/50.

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Q: Is it more likely for a coin to end on heads or tails?
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If you flip a coin 4 times which is more likely-getting 2 heads and 2 tails or getting 3 heads and one tail?

2 heads and 2 tails

Are any US coins more likely to land on heads or tails?

No there is a fifty fifty chance of getting heads or tails

In heads and tails why is is mostly tails?

Is it? Let's say you flip a coin three times, and it comes up tails each time. You may state that from your experience, tails is preferred overwhelmingly. But three tails is likely to occur approximately 12% of the time, and three heads also will occur 12% of the time. So, instead of asking why coin flips are biased to the tails, perhaps it is better to ask what evidence exists showing that one side is more likely to occur than another. I couldn't find any. I attach the link on coin flips. In other words you will never know unless of course you count the seconds its in the air and look what side it lands on. That always works.

What does to make heads or tails of something mean?

The image is of flipping a coin and not being able to tell if it comes up "heads" or "tails." You say this when you can't figure something out at all, as in "I just can't make heads or tails out of this report; can you rewrite it so that it makes more sense?"It means that you cannot understand something. Some thing that is really tough to understand. Some thing strange.

What is the probability of tossing exactly three tails?

well it depends on what you are tossing, if its a coin then no. it can be heads too. it would have to be a great coincidence for it to be all tails, but thats why the word probability comes in meaning that there is more than one outcome

Related questions

If you flip a coin 4 times which is more likely-getting 2 heads and 2 tails or getting 3 heads and one tail?

2 heads and 2 tails

When you flip two coins why does it appear tails and heads more than heads and heads and tails and tails?

Because you are thinking permutations rather than combinations. There are four permutations of two coins, but there are only three combinations, because it does not matter which coin is heads and which coin is tails. As a result, the combination of heads and tails has a 0.5 probability, while two heads or two tails each have a 0.25 probability.

Are any US coins more likely to land on heads or tails?

No there is a fifty fifty chance of getting heads or tails

What is the probability of a coin landing on heads twice when it is flipped 3 times?

Your question is slightly vague, so I will pose a more defined question: What is the probability of 3 coin tosses resulting in heads exactly twice? This is a pretty easy question to answer. The three possible (winning) outcomes are: 1. Heads, Heads, Tails. 2. Heads, Tails, Heads. 3. Tails, Heads, Heads. If we look at the possible combination of other (losing) outcomes, we can easily determine the probability: 4. Heads, Heads, Heads. 5. Tails, Tails, Heads. 6. Tails, Heads, Tails. 7. Heads, Tails, Tails. 8. Tails, Tails, Tails. This means that to throw heads twice in 3 flips, we have a 3 in 8 chance. This is because there are 3 winning possibilities out of a total of 8 winning and losing possibilities.

If a fair coin is tossed four times What is the probability that two heads and two tails will result?

Actually, although it may seem like it, it is not 50-50. The answer's more like 55-45 This is because the 'head' side is heavier than the 'tails' side. So it is more likely to be tails 3 heads 1

Can you find more experiments related to probability?

colors cards dice coin heads tails

In heads and tails why is is mostly tails?

Is it? Let's say you flip a coin three times, and it comes up tails each time. You may state that from your experience, tails is preferred overwhelmingly. But three tails is likely to occur approximately 12% of the time, and three heads also will occur 12% of the time. So, instead of asking why coin flips are biased to the tails, perhaps it is better to ask what evidence exists showing that one side is more likely to occur than another. I couldn't find any. I attach the link on coin flips. In other words you will never know unless of course you count the seconds its in the air and look what side it lands on. That always works.

Do people pick heads or tails more?


What are all the possible outcomes for flipping or tossing three coins a dime a nickel and a penny in an organized manner and how would a tree diagram show these results?

There are eight possible results when flipping three coins (eliminating the highly unlikely scenario of one or more coins landing on their edge): Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails

If you toss 2 coins simultaneously 400 times would you expect the deviation to be greate or less than it was in tossing them 40 times?

Less. The more times the coin is tossed, the more likely it will reflect the actual odds of .5 heads and .5 tails.

Give you a example of superstitious belief?

Many people believe that a fair coin which has come up heads seven times is more likely to come up tails on the eighth flip. This is a superstitious belief, since it has no basis either in observation or rational deduction. (And it is also untrue).Almost as many people are willing to believe that a coin which has come up heads seven times is more likely to come up tails on the eighth flip, because it has settled into a pattern.A few robust souls even hold both these beliefs simultaneously.

What is a biased coin probability?

A biased probability is one where not every outcome has the same chance of occurring. A biased coin is one where one side, the "heads" or "tails" has a greater probability than the other of showing. A coin which has a centre of gravity closer to the tails side than the heads side would be biased in that heads is more likely to show than tails. The size of coin can have an effect on the probability of heads and tails - during the Royal Institute Christmas lectures in the 1990s demonstrating probability a large version of the pound coin was made to be able to allow the audience to see it being tossed - on the broadcast (and tape) version it landed and stayed on its edge! showing the probability of heads = tails ≠ ½; the probability of heads = probability of tails, but they are actually slightly less than ½ as the coin could land on its edge and stay there - with a standard size coin, if it lands on its edge it takes very little for the centre of gravity to shift outside the base of the edge and for the coin to fall over, but with a very large similar coin (ie one scaled up [proportionally] in lengths) it can take quite a bit before the centre of gravity goes outside the base if it lands on its edge which forces it to fall over (plus there will be a "significant" rise in the centre of gravity to do so, thus favouring stability on an edge which does not exist in the standard, small, sized version of the coin).