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Usually, it would depend on what grade you are in. 3rd Grade paragraphs are about 2 to 3 scentences long, as it goes on, it might double. 4th Grade paragraphs are 4 to 6 scentences long, and as it continues....

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14y ago

Not all, it's up to you!

A paragraph can be several sentences more than five and even less beginning with one sentence. I think your teacher told you five which lets you introduce the theme or idea of the paragraph in sentence 1, expand a bit on it in 2,3,4 and conclude it in 5. It'll show whether you've been listening in class. And that's what teacher is looking for.

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9y ago

A paragraph is usually between 4 and 7 sentences. They can be longer if more than that is needed to developed your topic.

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14y ago

No. A paragraph can be as few as one sentence, however, some teachers will REQUIRE that a paragraph be 5 or more sentences.

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14y ago

No, It depends how the sentence is. For example a sentence maybe could only have one sentence if your were writing in diologue.

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13y ago

Yes. It is more like the 5 part essay than the 5 paragraph essay so if it takes you more than 5 paragraphs to get the point across then that's fine.

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12y ago

That is perfectly acceptable. Some paragraphs will have more and some will have less. It all depends on the person and/or whomever they are writing for.

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There must be at least 3-5 sentences in the introduction paragraph. But for a philosophy paper of 2-4 pages, it need not be more than 2 or 3 sentences.

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A paragraph can be as long as the writer wishes it to be. Most, however, will stay between 2-6 sentences. As long as whatever is in it correlates with everything else, there is no limit to the size of a paragraph.

How man sentences in a pargraph?

As an answer to your question, it depends on how long you want your paragraph to be. The average paragraph has between 5-8 sentences. This can be changed depending on your needs. For example you may be assigned to have a certain amount of sentences in your paragraph, and it may be more or less than what I mentioned before. So in short the length of the paragraph depends on your needs. It may be long or short. Between 5-8 sentences is a good guideline.

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As many as you want. There is no law that says how many sentences make a paragraph. You should have more than one sentence in each paragraph, however. The general rule is: include enough sentences to make your point in each paragraph so that your essay is not confusing.

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It depends on you - how much sentences you will use. It may be one or few, or more. Remember however than paragraph longer than half of a page looks bad.

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A book that the paragraph is about. -Today's rap sucks.

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I would start by writing how you can write your own paragraph instead of trying to get someone to write one for you so that you can copy it down!WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information.Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic?If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

What does a paragraph mean?

A paragraph is a group of sentences which concern themselves with a similar idea. In some cases a paragraph can contain only a single sentence; others can go on for more than a page. What is important is that the sentences as a whole express a single idea.