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Q: Is it true or false the ability of a measurement to be reproduced with the same result is a sign of accuracy?
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What is accuracy in measurement and instrumentation?

Accuracy in measurement and instrumentation refers to how close a measured value is to the true or known value. It is a measure of systematic error, which denotes how well the instrument or measurement device is calibrated and free from biases. The accuracy is usually expressed as a percentage of the measuring range or as a specified number of units.

Which is more accurate miles per second or miles per hour?

The accuracy of any measurement depends on the care and equipment of the individual doing the measuring, and on the condition of that equipment used. The unit that is selected to report the result of the measurement has no effect on its accuracy.

What is accuracy?

Precision -- the degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard

Use the approximation of 3.14?

Depends on the accuracy required in the result.

Differentiate accurate from precise in measurement?

Accuracy is when the result is close or equal to the actual value or expected result. Precision is when multiple results are within the same or very close value. With multiple results, you can have accuracy and precision if the results are on target, and all within a very close range. However, if the results have quite a bit of deviation among them, but the average result is on target, then you have accuracy, but low precision. If multiple results are way off target, but are all within a close range of each other, then you have low accuracy and high precision. If the multiple results are all over the place, and the average result is off target, then you have low accuracy and low precision. For example, it helps to imagine a dart board with a few darts. If all the darts are together after being thrown, that is precision. When the thrown dart is close to the bullseye, that is accuracy. IF the darts are all close together and all on the bullseye - that is accurate and precise...if they are all close together, but way off the bullseye, then that is precise but NOT accurate, and so on...

Related questions

The ability of a measurement to be reproduced with the same result is a sign of what?

it is a high of precision . Ur welcome folks and have a good day , get an A

How does accuracy differ from precision a scientific measurement?

Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true value, while precision refers to how close multiple measurements are to each other. In scientific measurement, accuracy indicates the system's ability to measure the true value, and precision describes the system's consistency in producing similar results.

An indication of how close a measurement is to the correct result?


Is accuracy a measurement of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations?


Is accuracy better high or low?

Accuracy is better when it is high. High accuracy means that the measurement or result is closer to the true value or target, indicating precision and reliability. Low accuracy can result in errors and incorrect conclusions.

What does accuracy mean in science terms?

Accuracy in science refers to how close a measurement or result is to the true value or accepted value. It quantifies the extent of error present in a measurement or experiment. High accuracy indicates that the measured values are close to the target value, while low accuracy indicates a significant deviation.

How might the accuracy of a measurement be checked?

The accuracy of a measurement can be checked by comparing the result to a known standard or reference value. This can be done by repeating the measurement multiple times to assess consistency and precision. Calibration of the measuring instrument against a standard device can also help ensure accuracy.

Is measurement is the same result of accuracy true or false?

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What is accuracy in measurement and instrumentation?

Accuracy in measurement and instrumentation refers to how close a measured value is to the true or known value. It is a measure of systematic error, which denotes how well the instrument or measurement device is calibrated and free from biases. The accuracy is usually expressed as a percentage of the measuring range or as a specified number of units.

Which is more accurate miles per second or miles per hour?

The accuracy of any measurement depends on the care and equipment of the individual doing the measuring, and on the condition of that equipment used. The unit that is selected to report the result of the measurement has no effect on its accuracy.

What is accuracy?

Precision -- the degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard

What is accuracy and precision and the difference between them?

Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true value, while precision refers to the consistency of repeated measurements. In other words, accuracy is related to correctness, while precision is related to repeatability. A measurement can be precise but not accurate if the values are consistently off by a certain amount, and it can be accurate but not precise if the values vary widely with each measurement.