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Q: Is it true that any number ends in zero as the ones digit is a whole number?
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What are the thousands and ones places in a number?

The thousands digit is 4 left of the decimal point and the ones digit is the digit to the left of the decimal point. In a whole number the decimal point is not written and can be considered as "hiding" after the last digit - the ones digit.

Is 75432 an even number?

Yes A whole number is even if its least significant digit is even. The least significant digit of a whole number is the digit in the "ones place". In other words, if the digit at the far right is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, the number is even.

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What digit is in the thousands place in the number 26195?

The thousands place is the digit 4 left of the decimal point; in a whole number the decimal point is "hiding" after the ones digit. In 26195 the thousands digit is 6.

2.68 rounded to the nearest whole number?

When rounding 2.68 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the ones place, which is 8. Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the ones place to the next higher digit, which is 3. Therefore, rounding 2.68 to the nearest whole number gives us 3.

How many positive numbers have a ones digit of 2?

There are infinitely many such - every tenth number after 2 ends in 2.

What is the tens place digit of 3040?

The tens place value is the second digit to the left of the decimal point. The decimal point is always to the right of the ones digit; in a whole number, the decimal point is "hiding" (not written) after the ones digit. In 3040 the tens digit is the 4.

What is 986.91 rounded to the nearest whole number?

Look at the digit after the ones digit - the tenths digit; if it is 5 or more round up, otherwise it is less than 5 so round down. The tenths digit (the one after the decimal point) is a 9 so round up: 986.91 → 987 to the nearest whole number.

The sum of my ones and tens digit is 10. My tens digit is greater than my ones digit. i am a prime number what number am i?


What is the ones digit in the number 32047?

It is the digit 7 that is in the ones or units place

What is 986.91 to the nearest whole number?

A whole number has no decimal places, so you'll be rounding to the ones place. The digit after the 6 in the ones place is greater than 5, so the number 6 is rounded up to 7. Therefore, the nearest whole number is 987.

If you need a number between 500and600and your ones digit is 5and your tens digit is the difference between the ones and hundreds digit what number are you?