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Yes. Hexagon for example is six sided.

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Q: Is it true that not all polygons are quadrilaterals?
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Related questions

Is it a quadrilateral that is not a polygon?

All quadrilaterals are polygons, but not all polygons are quadrilaterals.

Is it true or false that all quadrilaterals are polygons?

Yes, by definition, quadrilaterals are a type of polygone (specifically any that has exactly four sides).

Do all 4 sided polygons are quadrilaterals?

im not sure what u were asking, but quadrilaterals are the classification for 4-sided polygons, so yeah, all 4-sided polygons are quadrilaterals.

Quadrilaterals are polygons that have three sides?

Quadrilaterals are polygons with four sides. Triangles are polygons with three sides.

How are polygons and quadrilaterals alike?

Quadrilaterals are 4 sided polygons.

Are all polygon quadrtilaterals?

No. But all quadrilaterals are polygons.

Why are polygons not quadrilaterals?

quadrilaterals only have for sides and polygons have 5-6

What is the term for all quadrangles?

All 4 sided polygons are classed as quadrilaterals.

What is the name of all four sided polygons?


What figure is not a polygon but a quadrilateral?

All quadrilaterals are polygons.

Names and pictures of quadrilaterals and other polygons?

namesand pictures of quadrilaterals and other polygons

Which of the following are true statements about a regular polygon is it a closed figure It is a closed figure. B. It is a quadrilateral. C. All of its angles measure 90. D. It is a hexagon.?

Only A (It is a closed figure) is true. The rest are incorrect because they define specific regular polygons. If you consider B (It is a quadrilateral), you must follow the logic that all quadrilaterals are polygons but not all polygons are quadrilaterals (an easier-to-follow example of this logic is: All fathers are male, but not all males are fathers).