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yes it is curable

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Q: Is less than 1 million sperm count curable?
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What is considered a high sperm count?

The average sperm count is about 15 million sperm per milliliter. Anything over that amount can be considered high. Some men have as many as 40 million sperm in their sperm count.

How one can increase the sperm count?

A man can increase his sperm count by not smoking, drinking less alcohol, exercising regularly, eating more fruit or nuts and eating less soy based food.

What is proper thing for strongness of sperms?

One does not measure this as in Strongness. Sperm Quality is an interresting one, but can still be divided into subgroups. Sperm Count and Sperm Vitality possibly more. If the vitality is really good, then the Sperm Count is of less importance. If the Sperm Count is really high, then Sperm Vitality is still an issue. Ones Sperm Count can be of a high value but if the sperms are mostly deformed and have defects, then the vitality is low.

Does less dense sperm means that you have become infertile?

Not necessarily. The density of the fluid has nothing to do with the amount of sperm. See a doctor - get him to do a sperm count to easy your mind.

How many sperm enter the woman's uterus?

Normal sperm count is required for normal fertilization. Normal sperm count is between 60 to 120 million sperms per ml of the ejaculate. When the sperm count is below the 20 million sperms per ml, the chances of getting the pregnancy are very less. Although only one sperm can fertilize the ovum, many more indirectly help it to fertilize the ovum, by liberating the necessary enzymes.

What is the range of sperm in human body?

Normal range of sperms in your body is between 60 to 120 million/ ml. Three to five ml/ejaculate. Below that is called as oligospermia. Fertility is very less when the sperm count drop below 20 million/ ml. Motility and morphology is also very important for fertility.

If the sperm has a yellow tint does that mean there is a high sperm count?

nope. just urine that was in ur urethera, nothing more nothing less

Does a man's sperm count diminish with repeated intercourse?

no, but if you have sexual intercourse repeatedly over a short amount of time, the amount of sperm he edjaculates will be less.

If a male has one testicle what happens to his sperm count?

Most likely his sperm count would be half what it would be with both testicles. May be less depending on why he has only one. Since it only take one sperm to fertilize an egg, he can still be a father.

What is the reason for sperm less in a man?

A host of reasons can cause a sperm count to lower. Tight clothing, aging, cancer, and hormonal imbalances can all be the cause.

Do Less sperm can get female pregnant?

It requires only one. Less than that you cannot get pregnant. A normal ejaculation contains about 300 million

What is the normal sperm count for male?

Around 200 million sperm cells per ejaculation, but it depends on male racial background and family history.If a man has less than 15 million sperm cells/milliliter of ejaculation, he is considered infertile.