

Is logic a physical science

Updated: 10/18/2022
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8y ago

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No. Logic deals with statements or values or reasoning, none of which are tangible objects or forces.

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Q: Is logic a physical science
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What define logic as an science?

Yes, Logic is now considered a branch of Science not of Philosophy anymore. In the old days Logic is formerly a branch of Philosophy.

Differentiate natural science from physical science?

biological science deals with the characteristics of the living creatures like plant animals etc. physical science deals with various maters like light,sound,power,electricity,force,work,etc biological science deals with the characteristics of the living creatures like plant animals etc. physical science deals with various maters like light,sound,power,electricity,force,work,etc

What is science beyond logic?

Evidence & testing. Logic proves nothing.

Is logic social science?

No, logic is not considered a social science. Logic is a formal field of study that deals with reasoning and arguments, focusing on the structure and validity of arguments. Social sciences, on the other hand, study human behavior, societies, and interactions.

How is science different from logic?

Science is concerned with understanding the universe in which we live, and logic is a purely abstract discipline concerned with understanding how to think.

Contribution Aristotle has given to physical science?

Aristotle contributed to physical science through his observations and theories on natural philosophy, particularly in the fields of physics and biology. He proposed explanations for natural phenomena based on empirical observations and logic, laying the foundation for the development of the scientific method and influencing scientific thought for centuries to come.

Is logic an art?

Logic is not typically considered an art but rather a discipline or system that deals with the principles of reasoning and critical thinking. While some aspects of logic may involve creativity and problem-solving, it is more commonly viewed as a science or a tool for analyzing arguments and drawing valid conclusions.

What are the importances of logic science?

science rocks sorry dont know the answer

Is logic a science or an art?

It's a science for those who do not know that it is an art.

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The science of logic

Why is probability an exact science?

The origin of logic comes from scientific deduction of thought. The only science that is exact, is the science and facts that cannot be known for sure.or at least seen with a physical eye. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. So the probability of an exact science is... inconceivable.

Science is two things what are they?

logic and truth?