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Q: Is mortality rate continuous or discrete variable?
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Is heart rate a discrete or continuous variable?


Is birth rate a continuous variable?

If by birth rate you mean the number of births during a given period of time then the answer is yes. The rate may be further qualified, for example, as the number per 1000 women of childbearing age but that does not alter the nature of the variable. If, however, by birth rate you mean the number of births WITHOUT the time element, the measure becomes discrete.

How does the Sampling rate affect frequency?

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).

What kind of variable is income?

Technically it is a discrete variable since you can earn 10.05 or 10.06 (or whatever the appropriate rate is in your environment) but not anything between those numbers.

What is the mortality rate at Brookdale Hospital?

There are various figures for the mortality rate at Brookdale Hospital. The mortality rate for heart attacks at the hospital are 18.1%. The mortality rate for heart failure is 10.1%. The mortality rate for pneumonia is 9.4%.

What is the difference between mortality rate and death rate?

mortality rate - death rate

What is the mortality rate in the Philippines?

The mortality rate of the Philippines is 4.92 in 2014.

What is the difference between infant mortality rate and child mortality rate?

Infant Mortality Rate is the death rate during the 1st year of life. Child Mortality Rate refers to the death of infants and children under the age of five.

What is sampling rate in audio digitization?

Sampling rate or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.

What is Kenya infant mortality rate?

Infant Mortality Rate; 1,000 born/43.61 deaths

What is the mortality rate of pulmunary tuberculosis in Philippines?

what is the mortality rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in Philippines

What is the mortality rate of nephrostomies?

The mortality rate of nephrostomies is of the order of less than 0.05%