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Assuming that I have managed to work through your spelling correctly, nuclear is non-renewable form of energy.

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Q: Is neclear non rewable or rewnable?
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Diffreniate rewable from non rewable reasources of energy?

Renewable energy is solar wind and non-renewable pyrrole and natural gas.

Is fossil fuel rewnable or nonrewnable?

Fossil fuels are non renewable.It takes millions of years for the formation of fossil fuels.That is why they are in this category.

What is a rewnable resoures?

please help me

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Aslong as there is milk there can be calcium

Does neclear plants have water in them?

Yes, why not!

Is water a rewable resource?

yes it is not water comes from the ocean and the ocean is always flowing

How many weapons fallen in japan?

about 2 neclear bombs

Type of non-rewable fuel?

Fossil fuels, Oil, Gas and Coal. Although we technically could make more. By burying corpses in marshes the time it would take is so long we just consider it to be not renewable.

Does the nuclear envelope have prokaryotes?

No, prokaryotes don't have neclear envelopes in them either.

What kind of energy is stored in the nucleus of the atom the answer is It is Nuclear Energy?

neclear energy...............

What could nuclear bombs do to buildings?

A neclear bomb could completly destroy a building :)

How is coal produced?

Coal is a combustible black or brownish black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. Coal is a non-rewable energy source, it takes millons of years to be made. It is found underground, so people build coal mines to get at it. miners dig it out.