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Q: Is operation within parentheses performed after operations outside parenthesis?
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What operations are performed first in the order of operations?

parenthesis. For example, ( 4 + 5 ) - 2

Which operation will be performed first in a formula does not contain parentheses?

Multiplications and divisions from left to right.

Basic operation performed by computer?

airthmetic, logical and storage operations

Which operation should be performed first according to the order of operations?

In a standard calculation it would be the exponent, also known as the power of. However, the use of brackets can change the order of operations and so sometimes another operation could be done first. Exponents should be processed first, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction. The use of parenthesis brackets can be used to override this default precedence order.

Can you give the explanation for various operations in a queue implementation using arrays?

The following are operations performed by queue in data structuresEnqueue (Add operation)Dequeue (Remove operation)Initialize

What mathematical operations could be done with pascaline?

the operation can be performed in pascaline is addition and subtraction..

What will be performed first in a formula that does not contain parentheses?

I believe that, in the absence of parentheses, the order of applying operations is as follows (from first to last):1. exponentiation;2. multiplication and division;3. addition and subtraction.I should say I am not 100 % sure this answer is correct.

Which operation should be performed first when simplifying the expression?

We'll answer this generally, since you haven't provided an expression. A common technique for remembering the order of operations is the abbreviation "PEMDAS", which is turned into the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally". It stands for "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction".

What is the difference between the arithmetic operations and logical operations which are performed by the CPU?

An arithmetic operation is dealing with data in a computational manner, adding subtracting, etc A logical operation would normally be regarded a a comparison and decision, though one school of though would include the literally 'logical operations' such as NOT, OR, AND, etc.

What does it mean to evaluate each expression when there is an exponent?

To evaluate an expression means to find its numerical value. A power consists of a base and an exponent. According to the order of operations, operations inside parentheses (or other grouping symbols) are performed first, followed by the evaluation of powers ... then (*/) and (+-).

What is the order of operation performed in a fraction?

To Evaluate expressions using the order of operations where there are fraction bars, simplify the top and bottom first, then divide.

What is made up of quantities and the operations performed on them?

It is simply a set of values with the operations defined on the set. If the results of the operation satisfy certain requirements, then the set may be a Group, a Ring or a Field (or other algebraic structure).