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Q: Is absolute value of velocity is equal to speed?
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Why is the absolute value of speed equal to velocity?

It's not. Unless you add a direction to speed it will not become velocity. Since positive and negative are sometimes used to denote direction, absolute value of velocity may equal speed (certain situations)

Why is the value of velocity equal to speed?

This is because speed is defined as the absolute value of velocity - irrespective of the direction of motion.

Why is the absolute value of velocity speed?

It's a scrambled equation. What you meant to say is, "The absolute value of velocity equals speed."

Is true that absolute value of speed equals velocity?

No, you've got it backwards. The absolute value of velocity equals speed. Velocity is speed with a direction; speed is just a number, without regard to direction.

How is the absolute value of velocity speed?

Velocity is a vector and its magnitude depends on the direction. If it is positive in one direction, going in the opposite direction it is negative. But speed is a scalar and does not depend on the direction. It has the same value, whatever the direction. That is how the absolute value of velocity is speed.

When average velocity and average speed is equal?

For the instantaneous value of average velocity, average speed and average velocity are equal.

Is it true or false that absolute value of speed equals velocity?


Is speed equal to velocity?

Velocity is a vector, which means it has a direction, but speed isn't. Speed is the absolute value of velocity. Velocity can be negative, meaning that the speed is opposite to the direction that you're calling the positive direction.

What is the velocity if the object is decelerating?

Decelerating means that the speed, i.e., the absolute value of the velocity, decreases over time.

How speed increase with velocity?

Velocity is a vector which incorporates both speed (a scalar) and direction. So the speed (distance divided by time) must increase if the velocity increases as the direction (an angular measurement) does not affect the absolute value of the vector.

When is the average velocity is equal to the instantaneous velocity?

Average velocity equals the average speed if (and only if) the motion is in the same direction. If not, the average speed, being the average of the absolute value of the velocity, will be larger.

How much does mph equal?

mph or 'miles per hour' is a unit and can equal any value of speed or velocity.