

Is the asthenosphere non rigid

Updated: 12/22/2022
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6y ago

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Yes, it is non-rigid.

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Q: Is the asthenosphere non rigid
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What is the rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere is the lithosphere.

Is the Earth's asthenosphere rigid?

No. The asthenosphere is plastic in texture.

Is the asthenosphere relatively cool and rigid shell that overlies the lithosphere?

Yes, the cool and rigid shell is the asthenosphere.

Which rigid layer of the Earth surrounds the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere surrounds the asthenosphere.

What does the asthenosphere cause?

Scientists speculate that the movement of tectonic plates is created by the movement of the rigid lithosphere on the asthenosphere.

Why do P waves travel faster through the lithosphere than through the asthenosphere?

because the P waves move faster through more rigid substances than through non rigid material>

What is the rigid layer of the Earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of the earth that surround the asthenosphere is also known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere layer is further broken into several large sections which are known as tectonic plates. These plates ride above the asthenosphere.

Rigid layer of the earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The Lithosphere

Is the asthenosphere a relatively cool and rigid shell that overlies the lithosphere?


What is the rigid zone above the asthenosphere that includes the crust and upper mantle?

The lithosphere

How far away is the asthenosphere?

The asthenosphere, which is a soft plastic, is between approximately 62 and 124 miles below the surface. It is just below rigid lithosphere.

What is a non rigid shape?

a non rigid is a square and a hexagon